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Payables Financing - Calendars: 000010694

Article Number: 000010694

Taulia’s Payables Financing settings allow you to set up and control the funding types, rates, business unit restrictions, liquidity limits, and calendar settings for the payables financing programs offered to your suppliers. These settings are systematically incorporated into your suppliers’ early payment offers and help align their early payment experience with your business process.

Calendars control the availability of early payment dates. During the creation of early payment offers for suppliers, the calendars will be assessed as one factor to determine which payment dates are offered. (Other factors include Rate Groups, Supplier Assignment, Business Units, and Liquidity Limits.)

There are three types of calendars: Workday, Holiday, and Operational.

  • Workday Calendars - This calendar type contains the days in which business (ie payment preparation) and payment runs occur for the organization.
    • An override may be created to support a workday calendar that varies due to a business unit or set of business units, a payment method or set of payment methods, or both.
  • Holiday Calendars - This calendar type contains the days in which business and payments do not occur for the organization due to holidays.
    • An override may be created to support a holiday calendar that varies due to a business unit or set of business units.
  • Operational Calendars - This calendar type contains the cutoff time of business and payment run operations as well as the number of days required for business payment preparation.
    • An override may be created to support an operational calendar that varies due to a business unit.

Editing Calendars
Note: Existing requested and approved early payments will not be impacted by calendar edits.

1 - From the homepage, select Payables > Payables Financing.

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2 - From Payables Financing, select Calendars.

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3 - Workday is the default tab. To edit the workday settings of the organization, select Edit.

4 - Select the checkboxes for each business day and payment run day in the organization, and update the settings.

  • Business Days - The days of the week in which payment preparation may occur.
    • Note:  If your organization does not require payment preparation days, then business days have no impact on the payables financing programs offered to your suppliers.
  • Payment Run Days - The days of the week that contain a payment run.

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5 - To add an override to the organization’s business day calendar settings, select New Business Days Override.

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6 - Complete the fields, including override name, business days, and applicable business units and payment methods, and then create the override.

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7 - Select New Payment Run Days Override to add an override to the organization’s business day calendar settings.

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8 - Complete the fields, including override name, payment run days, applicable business units, and payment methods, and then create the override.

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Note: When applying a workday override based on the payment method, ensure the payment method codes set in the override match the payment method codes that are (or will be) sent on invoices from the ERP to Taulia.

9 - Navigate to the Holiday tab.

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10 - To edit the holiday settings of the organization, select Edit.

11 - Select or unselect the holidays in the calendar and update the settings.

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12 - To add an override to the organization’s holiday calendar settings, select New Override.

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13 - Name the holiday override, select the holidays in the calendar for the override, choose the applicable business units, and then create the override.

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14 - Navigate to the Operational tab.

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15 - To edit the operational settings of the organization, select Edit.

  • Cutoff Time - The time that determines the end of a workday, after which no payment runs or payment preparation may occur.
    • Example:
      • The cutoff time is set to 5:00 PM PST, and Payment Preparation Days is set to 0.
      • At 1:00 PM PST, an early payment can be requested for the same day.
      • At 7:00 PM PST, an early payment cannot be requested for the same day. Early payments can only be requested for the next possible early payment date.
  • Payment Preparation Days - The number of business days required for payment preparation before an early payment date.

16 - Complete the fields and update the settings.

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17 - To add an override to the organization’s operational calendar settings, select New Override.

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18 - Name the operational override, complete the fields, choose the applicable business unit, and then create the override.

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Payables Financing Setup

Calendars are one step within the setup of a Payables Financing program. See also Rate Groups and Supplier Assignment, Business Unit Settings, and Liquidity Limits.

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