
Welcome to Taulia’s Supplier Platform

Helping suppliers get paid sooner, send invoices faster, and make business relationships stronger.

How it works

And how we make technology work for you

Through the Taulia online platform, Taulia connects you directly with your customer. We don’t replace your business relationship with your customer,  we enhance it using technology. They will continue to to create your purchase orders, approve and pay your invoices. Taulia simply allows you to receive all the information and updates in real-time through the online platform. This means less phone calls, less emails and less hassel! Now, you can focus on what matters most – making your business grow and thrive for the future.

You might say we’re experienced

What’s happening on the taulia platform now

1.5M+ suppliers rely on Taulia


Avg. supplier adoption
of the portal

$1TR worth of invoices have flown through Taulia
210M+ invoices processed through Taulia
$80B+ accelerated inv early payments

What we offer

And how we make it easier to do business

Invoice Submission

Getting invoices submitted and approved has never been quicker and easier.

  • Free, unlimited invoice submission
  • 24/7 visibility on invoice life cycle
  • Decreased processing time

Access to Purchase Orders

Receiving purchase oders has never been easier.

  • Be notified when a new purchase order is available, instantly
  • Easily flip purchase orders into an invoice
  • Get real-time visibility to the remaining value of your open purchase orders

Invoice Status

Re-defining invoice visibilty.

  • See the status of your invoice in real time
  • Be notified when your invoice is approved or rejected. This allows you to take additional actions without further delay
  • See a historical list of invoices you have submitted to your customer


Receive your remittance as soon as they are ready.

  • See your payment details online
  • Be notified as soon as a payment is available

Early Payment

Get paid on your terms.

  • Request early payment for your invoices
  • Create predictability of your collections
  • Increase working capital and fill the “cash flow gap”

Vendor Master

Easily manage your business information.

  • See the address, bank, tax ID, and certifications you have registered with your customer
  • Manage your company details directly on the platform

See what suppliers are saying

And tales of connection

"Taulia has been extremely useful in allowing us to manage our receivables and maintain our critical cash flow."


FOUNDER & CEO - DC Systems

"Using automated early payments is something that has really helped. It just never hurts to be a little bit ahead."

Kerstin Connelly

Owner - Intergraphics

"Taulia is great because it notifies me of what is going on with my invoice from the beginning of the process until the end when I can choose to get paid."

Marianne Bennett Buden

Founder & CEO - MM Manufacturing

"Using Taulia has saved not only our customer money, but it's also saved us money"

LaQuinta Gatson

AR Supervisor - Oil States Energy

Excited about Taulia so far? Visit supplier.taulia.com to learn more!

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