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Q. How do I create invoices using the Invoice Upload feature?: 000008597

Article Number: 000008597

Note - This feature may not be available in your portal.

Invoice Upload allows you to easily submit multiple invoices at once through the Taulia platform by uploading a CSV or xls file of the invoice and line item data. This will save you time when needing to create and submit a large number of invoices when compared to manually flipping POs into an invoice or creating non-po invoices through the Taulia platform. This feature also removes the need to create an API integration. The same invoice rules and validations apply (required fields, value tolerances, etc.) when submitting an invoice via the Invoice Upload feature.

There are two menu items for the Invoice Upload feature that can be found under the Invoices shortcut link:

1 - Upload Invoices: section is where you can initiate the invoice upload process

2 - Invoice Upload History: displays a list of all past invoices that have been uploaded

You can upload your invoices by doing the following: 

1 -
From the homepage, select Invoices > Upload Invoices.

2 - Select the Download Template Invoice link to download and open the invoice upload CSV template. 

  • The columns shown on the template are all possible fields, but only a small subset of these are required to be completed. 
  • You must use these exact field/column names in your submitted file. You can remove any columns you don’t need. If you include extra columns that we don’t recognize, they will be ignored.
    • For NON-PO invoices, you must include:
      • Number
      • Date
      • Currency
      • lineItems.itemDescription
      • Unit
      • lineItems.quantity
      • lineItems.unitPrice
    • The below additional fields are required for PO-based invoices:
      • PO Number (poNumber)
      • PO Item Number (lineItems.poItemNumber)
    • The below field is not required for PO invoices:
      • lineItems.itemDescription
    • For Credit Notes, you must include:
      • isCreditNote TRUE
      • creditOriginalInvoiceDate
      • creditOriginalInvoiceNumber
      • creditReason
  • The fields returned in the .csv template will be tailored to meet the requirements of the customer you are invoicing (if your customer has custom fields configured). The custom fields will be included in your file in the following format:
    • buyerCustomField.{fieldName}
    • lineItems.buyerCustomField.{fieldName}
  • Fields supplierTaxIdentifierValue, supplierTaxIdentifierType, supplierTaxIdentifierCountry in the CSV file can be left empty since the tax identifier available in the Taulia portal will be used for the invoice submission.

IMPORTANT - Tax Amount and Tax % fields are mutually exclusive, and the user is only supposed to fill one of them. If the user fills both fields, the tool automatically picks the Tax Amount during tax calculation in the invoice. Also, a header row must be included in your file and for every column.
NOTE - The above lines indicate the minimum required fields. Your customer may require additional information to process your invoice fully.

3 - Each row in the file represents an invoice line item. An invoice number is required for every single row, and invoice header data must be included in the same row as the first line item. Here is an example:
User-added image

Here is a sample .csv file with the invoice data included:

User-added image

There are some attributes that may not need to be provided in your file (they are optional), as they will be auto-populated by the platform when your invoices are submitted. 

  • All totals are auto-calculated (netAmount, totalTaxAmount, etc.)
  • Your tax identifier(s) will be looked up from your account and included on the invoice

If utilizing a .csv file, your dates must follow an explicit format of YYYY-MM-DD. For example, 2018-07-18. If you are using an xls/xlsx file, this does not apply.

For currencies, the 3-letter ISO 4217 code must be used (ex. EUR). For countries, the two-letter ISO 3166-1 code must be used (ex. IT).

The tax rates applicable to the country in which you are submitting your invoice can be found in this article: What tax rates are required for my country when creating an invoice?

4 - Save the CSV template and go back to the Invoice Upload screen. Find the Select Invoice File button to upload your saved invoice template.

5 - Once the file is uploaded, select Submit Invoices to complete your invoice submission. 

6 - Go to Invoices > Invoice Upload History, and you will be taken to a page with a full history of all invoice files that have been uploaded for your company.  This page will have the following columns:

  • File Name: A link to the originally uploaded invoice file
  • Uploaded on: Date the file was uploaded
  • File Size: The size of the file
  • Uploaded by: Email address of the user that uploaded the file
  • # Successful: # of invoices that were successfully processed and submitted
  • # Failed: # of invoices that failed validation and were not submitted

User-added image

Immediately after submission, while your file is being processed, you will see “In Process” displayed instead of a successful/failed count. Once processing is complete, you will receive a link to download a Submission Report. This will contain a list of the invoices from your file and whether or not each invoice was successful or failed. You can also select Download Submission Report. All failed invoices will include a reason or a list of reasons why the invoice failed.

For invoices that failed, the invoice submission report will show the invoice error. Read the error carefully to understand what needs to be done to successfully submit the invoice.

User-added image

Repeat the process above to re-submit the invoice.

IMPORTANT: Click here to download all Invoice Upload fields and descriptions in the following languages: English, French, Canadian French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Chinese, Norwegian, Japanese, Korean, Slovenian, Greek, and Czech. 

Additional FAQs

What is the difference between the Invoice Upload feature and invoice submission through eForm, eFlip, eFile and eSend?

  • Invoice Upload - CSV/xls invoice submission through the Taulia platform
  • eFile - integration (typically EDI) invoice submission outside of the Taulia platform
  • eSend - integration (PDF invoicing) invoice submission outside of the Taulia platform
  • eForm - non-po invoice submission through the Taulia platform
  • eFlip - po-based (invoice flip) invoice submission through the Taulia platform

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