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Q. How do I assign branches to our portal users?: 000008574

Article Number: 000008574

Note - This feature may not be available in your portal.

Branch permissions allow account admins to manage access to various areas in the portal based on the branches that are assigned to a specific user. This allows account admins to better control the information other users can view and the operations they can perform.

For instance, If you want some users to only see POs created for a specific branch, you can use this feature to control that access. To see a complete list of how branch assignment is enforced, click here. If you have users reporting that they are not able to see certain information in their account, it could be because of the branch assignment rules being enforced.

Admins can configure user branch assignments by doing the following:

Log onto the Home page of the portal.

2 - Go to Gear button > User Manager (menu bar on the top right).

User-added image

3 - Scroll down to the Update Users section to see the list of users. 

4 - Find the user to configure the branch assignment. Click on the three dots and select Edit Branch Permission.

User-added image

5 - From the Edit Branch Permission screen you can select Full Access or Apply Supplier Branch Restrictions, and select which branch/branches you want the user to have access to. Selecting Full Access will provide access to all available data in the portal.

User-added image

  • By default, All Branches are assigned to all users. This gives the user access to all branches/company codes your customer is sending data. If you are missing a customer branch from this list, please, contact your customer to confirm your branch/company code enrollment.
  • Assigning specific branches to users will give them access to POs, invoices, payments, etc. from the assigned customer branch only. 

The information below shows how branch permission is enforced:

Email Notifications

There is already the ability for the user to set preferences on what branches they want to get notifications for.

  • When setting preferences for their notifications, users will only be able to choose only among branches they have access to.

  • No transactional emails would be sent to users that don't have access to the supplier branch the transactional data is related to.

Purchase Orders

Branch permissions are enforced on the Purchase Orders.

  • The latest POs on the home page are filtered based on the assigned to the user supplier branches.
  • PO URLs for POs from supplier company branches that the supplier user does not have permission to see are not accessible.
  • The home page, Latest POs List displays only POs from supplier company branches the user is allowed to see.
  • Search by PO on the My Purchase Orders page displays only POs from supplier company branches the user is allowed to see. 
  • Advanced Search on the My Purchase Orders page shows only the accessible supplier company branches as values in the Branch drop-down field.
  • Search by PO on Create Shipment Notice/ Create ASN displays only POs from supplier company branches the user is allowed to see.
  • Search by PO on My Shipments displays only POs from supplier company branches the user is allowed to see.
  • Search by PO on Create Invoice and Create Credit Note pages display only POs from supplier company branches the user is allowed to see.


Branch permissions are enforced on the Invoices:

  • Invoice search returns only invoices assigned to the user supplier branches.
  • Advanced Search on the My Invoices page shows only the accessible supplier branches as values in the Branch drop-down field.
  • Accessing a direct URL for an invoice is successful only if the supplier branch is assigned to the user opening the page.
  • The Pending Review page returns invoices assigned to the user supplier branches.
  • Prevent users to access direct links for documents that are not relevant to the branches allowed.
  • When submitting a Non-PO invoice and Non-PO credit note, the Supplier Company selection is restricted by the allowed supplier branches for the user.
  • PO-based invoices: If a user has access to the PO based on allowed branches they can flip it.

Payment Search

  • Document search is restricted by the assigned to the user supplier branches.
  • Document access is restricted by the assigned to the user supplier branches.
  • Advanced Search on the My Payments page shows only the accessible supplier company branches as values in the Branch drop-down field.

Quick Links (homepage)

  • The Quick Access links bar on the Supplier Home page shows the last documents available for the supplier with link to them. This information is filtered by the assigned to the user supplier branches as well.

Messages and Notifications

  • The “My Messages” section on the home page is restricted based on the assigned to the user supplier branches.
  • The “Recent Notifications” section on the home page is filtered based on the assigned to the user supplier branches.
  • The messages menu and page are filtered based on the assigned to the user supplier branches as well. The message menu is shown only for supplier users that have notifications for the branches assigned to them.

Supplier Details Management

  • SIM details such as Address, Tax ID, Bank Info, Certifications, Contacts, and Compliance Settings are restricted per branch.
  • When managing the information on these pages, the supplier branches listed in the drop-down fields are restricted by the supplier branches assigned to the user.

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