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Vodafone - How do I create PO based invoice?: 000003547

Article Number: 000003547

From the portal homepage, select Create Invoice.

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Search for the PO you want to invoice then select Create Invoice.

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Enter the following invoice header information:


  • Invoice Number - duplicate invoice numbers are not allowed, all numbers must be unique.

  • Invoice Date - you cannot backdate more than 7 days and cannot future date.

  • Customer Contact  - your Vodafone buyer contact name or email address.

  • Bank Name - select the bank account you want to receive payment in.

  • Czech suppliers will see two additional fields: Constant Symbol: The constant symbol is a payment reference for cashless domestic payments (transfers) in CZK. It is a 4 digit number with no hyphens or slashes. Please check http://www.csob.cz for more details. Specific Symbol:The specific symbol is an additional identification information for cashless domestic payments (transfers) in CZK. It is maximum 10 digit number with no hyphens or slashes. Please check http://www.csob.cz for more details.

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Edit the line item Quantity (if needed) that you need to invoice. The Unit Price is only editable if the currency of the invoice you are creating is different than the PO.

Tax Type - if you wish to enter a different amount, select Other from the tax type list.

Note - If there are line items in the PO that you currently do not want to invoice, select X to remove the line item.

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Enter the compliance information in the footer section of the invoice. The fields you need to fill out depends on your invoicing country. You can also manage this information under My Details > Compliance Settings to enable the fields to populate automatically for future invoices. 

Number of registration
Town of registration
Share Capital
Court of registration
Chairman/Managing Director/Board Members
Liable Company.

See Compliance Settings for more information.

Select Upload Attachment to attach supporting documentation to your invoice.

Select Submit Invoice. Once the invoice is submitted, you can track the status by going to the My Invoices section of the portal.

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