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Configuration activities
IMG tree node
The configuration transactions for the Taulia add-on for the SAP integration suite, managed gateway can be found in an IMG tree node.
In the transaction code, SPRO, go to the node → Integration with Other SAP Components → SAP Taulia with Managed Gateway.
Define document types for transfer
This configuration item can be reached in the IMG tree under → Integration with Other SAP Components → SAP Taulia with Managed Gateway → Taulia Working Capital Integration → Application Specific Settings → Define document types for transfer or via transaction code TAUCIG_DOCS.
This configuration activity defines which invoice, credit memo, reversal, and payment documents will be transferred to the Taulia Platform. Add all company codes and document types that should be transferred. Mark document types that are used for payments as a payment.
The company code field can be left blank if all company codes are applicable to the setting.
This is a required configuration to facilitate Taulia Working Capital solutions. A recommendation is only to add document types that must be transferred, and that will enable suppliers to obtain status information.
Configure all invoice and credit memo document types, which must be transferred to the Taulia Platform for Taulia Working Capital solutions. Add relevant payment document types to facilitate supplier self-service and Taulia Analytics. Also, add reversal document types: these will be used to update the status of the original invoice to present them as “Cancelled” to suppliers.
Add all company codes and document types that should be transferred. Mark document types that are used for payments as payment by selecting the “Payment” checkbox.
You can just leave the company code blank if all company codes apply.
Please add all document types that should be in scope for Taulia Working Capital Solutions.
Down payment transfer configuration
This configuration item can be reached in the IMG tree under → Integration with Other SAP Components → SAP Taulia with Managed Gateway → Taulia Working Capital Integration → Application Specific Settings → Define down payments for transfer or via transaction code TAUCIG_DWNPMT.
This configuration activity defines which document types and special GL indicators are used for down payment requests and down payments, which should be transferred to the Taulia Platform. Add all combinations of company codes, document types, and special GL indicators that should be transferred. If a special GL document is not defined here, it will not be transferred to the Taulia Platform.
The company code field can be used to differentiate combinations used in different company codes. The company code field can be left blank if the same combinations of doc types and special GL indicators are used for down payments globally.
Please configure all down payment requests and down payment documents, which must be transferred to the Taulia Platform to facilitate Taulia Working Capital solutions. Please add relevant down payment documents which are used to pay your down payment requests.
Add all combinations of company code, document type, and special GL indicator that should be transferred.
You may leave the company code blank if the same document type and special GL indicator combinations apply to all company codes.
Define Clearing Documents
This configuration item can be reached in the IMG tree under → Integration with Other SAP Components → SAP Taulia with Managed Gateway → Taulia Working Capital Integration → Application Specific Settings → Define clearing documents, or via transaction code TAUCIG_CLEARING.
This configuration activity defines which document types and transactions are used for the clearing of invoices and credit memos. If an invoice or credit memo is cleared with one of the defined doc type/ transaction combinations, it will be transferred to the Taulia Platform with a status of “Cleared.” The clearing document itself will not be transferred.
The company code field can be used to differentiate combinations used in different company codes. The company code field can be left blank if the same combinations of clearing doc types and transaction codes are used globally.
Please configure all combinations of document types and transaction codes that could be used to clear invoices and credit memos per company code. These will be used to update status of the original document to present them as “Cleared” to suppliers.
Add all combinations of company codes, document types, and transaction codes that should be considered internal clearing documents.
You may leave the company code blank if the same doc type and transaction code combinations apply to all company codes.
Apply Tax Code Filters
This configuration item can be reached in the IMG tree under → Integration with Other SAP Components → SAP Taulia with Managed Gateway → Taulia Working Capital Integration → Application Specific Settings → Apply tax code filters, or via transaction code TAUCIG_TAX.
This configuration activity allows for the filtering of certain tax items to prevent their transmission to the Taulia Platform. Use this configuration to filter tax items that are not relevant to your suppliers. Examples of use cases for tax filtering include self-assessed or reverse-charge taxes.
If a tax value is found when processing an invoice and it matches the fields in this table, it will be skipped. The country will be based on the company code country.
Add all combinations of company code country, tax code and debit/credit indicator which should not be transferred to Taulia.
You may leave the country blank if the tax code filter should apply globally.
Configure SCF Collection Accounts
This configuration can be reached in the IMG tree under → Integration with Other SAP Components → SAP Taulia with Managed Gateway → Taulia Working Capital Integration → Application Specific Settings → Configure SCF Collection Accounts, or via transaction code TAUCIG_SCFCOLL.
This configuration is used to identify applicable third-party funding accounts to enable document-level funding instructions. These are the accounts where the funds will be sent at the invoice due date and will be updated on the document when the supplier requests early payment.
Enter the Partner Bank Type(s) and Vendor/Business Partner number(s) for all Payees eligible for funding Taulia programs. All applicable bank types and funder numbers should be maintained here. The bank identifier must be unique and present on the funder vendor master/business partner before being maintained here.
DD Credit Note Posting Settings
This configuration can be reached in the IMG tree under → Integration with Other SAP Components → SAP Taulia with Managed Gateway → Taulia Working Capital Integration → Application Specific Settings → DD Credit Note Posting Settings, or via transaction code TAUCIG_CNPOST.
Define the rule for posting a credit note to capture the dynamic discount amount. This can be maintained per company code or agnostic of company code. Any setting maintained without a company code will be valid for all company codes that are not directly maintained. These settings are only effective if the Taulia Platform solution to auto-generate a credit note for DD compliance is activated.
Enter the posting type and default values for all company codes where Dynamic Discounting is activated. These values will be applied when a credit note is created to capture the discount for DD compliance. The available posting types are defined as follows:
If these settings are not maintained or an entry is not maintained for a given company code, the default document type "KG” and posting type “Cash Discount Account” will be used.
NOTE: When the creation of a DD credit note is configured, Taulia will have SAP calculate the tax for the credit note on the gross amount of the original invoice line. Therefore, the Taulia integration user must NOT be set with the entry parameter to “Calculate Taxes on Net Amount.” This can be adjusted for the Taulia integration user in the User Maintenance transaction SU01 > Parameters tab by removing the line for Parameter ID FO2 if it exists.
Tax Exempt Reasons
This configuration can be reached in the IMG tree under → Integration with Other SAP Components → SAP Taulia with Managed Gateway → Taulia Working Capital Integration → Application Specific Settings → Tax exempt reasons, or via transaction code TAUCIG_TAXEXEMPT.
This configuration activity is used to define tax-exempt reasons per country/tax code combination. The country is based on the company code country.
The configured exempt reason will be transmitted to the Taulia Platform for any invoice line item with the specified tax code/company code country combination. The tax-exempt reason value will be transferred to any credit memo generated by the Taulia Platform to achieve tax compliance requirements for Dynamic Discounting.
Configure all tax-exempt tax codes in company code countries that are activated for Dynamic Discounting and may have a credit memo generated to capture the discount.
You may leave the country blank if the exempt reason for the tax code should apply globally.
Interface setup program
This program is used to set up the required interfaces for inbound and outbound communications with the Taulia Platform via the SAP integration suite, managed gateway. This task is a one-time activity.
On the selection screen, the program lists all the inbound and outbound interfaces that can be set up for system integration. As a preparation step, make sure to run the program TAUCIG_ADD_SETUP_ENTRIES via SE38 or execute transaction code TAUCIG_SETUP. The checkboxes for all tables must be marked when the program is executed.
Once the preparation step is done, the Interface setup report can be accessed via the IMG node under → Integration with Other SAP Components → SAP Taulia with Managed Gateway → Taulia Working Capital Integration → General Settings →Configure the connections to send messages.
The report can also be executed by transaction code TAUCIG_INTERFACE_EXE or via SE38 program TAUCIG_INTERFACE_SETUP.
Program selection screen
This screen consists of two main sections and lists all supported transactions in each flow:
You can either select the transactions individually, as required or click Select All to select all listed transactions for both flows.
You are required to provide the following information:
Data Center
1. To update your data center details, click the Choose a data center drop-down, and then choose your data center.
Logon Data
2. Select one of the following to indicate if the connection is to a production or test instance:
3. Select one of the following types of authentication methods:
4. Enter the following details for HTTP Proxy options:
Once the program is executed, the attributes for the relevant interfaces will be properly set. These attributes can be displayed in the transaction SOAMANAGER.
The Logical Port setting is overwritten each time you run the interface settings for outbound web services.
After you run the report, you can view the status in transaction code SLG1 using the object TAUCIG_INTERFACE and subobject IF_LOGS.
Global parameters
This configuration item can be reached in the IMG tree under → Integration with Other SAP Components → SAP Taulia with Managed Gateway → Taulia Working Capital Integration → General Settings → Maintain Global Taulia Parameters, or via transaction code TAUCIG_CPARAM.
This configuration activity allows parameter definition to facilitate variable behaviors within the Add-on. The following parameters come with pre-defined logic, but additional parameters may be defined for use in custom logic.
Variable Name |
Use |
Implementation Information |
Specify server groups for the parallel processing of Working Capital Requests. |
Optionally, enter the server group, which will be used for working capital processing. If no configuration is maintained, any available servers may be used. |
The payment term to be applied to the document during a DD Working Capital Request |
Specify the 4-character payment term identifier. |
Controls the vendor master update mechanism for SCF and VC Working Capital Requests |
Maintain 'X'. If no configuration is maintained, standard vendor master update logic will be used. |
Identifies the payment method for outgoing payments, which will be applied to invoices when a Taulia Virtual Card has been issued |
Specify the 1-character payment method identifier. |
Specify the work process ratio for parallel processing of Working Capital Requests. |
Optionally enter the ratio of a maximum number of free dialog processes that will be used for working capital processing. If no configuration is maintained, the default ratio of 5 (20%) will be used. |
The required parameters may be specified in each client or may be added to a transport to apply the same parameters across the entire landscape.
Table cleanup
This program allows the cleanup of old records from transactional data in various Taulia database tables and can also be used for test system data refreshes.
The report can be accessed via the IMG node under → Integration with Other SAP Components → SAP Taulia with Managed Gateway → Taulia Working Capital Integration → General Settings → Table Cleanup.
The report can also be executed by transaction code TAUCIG_CLEANUP or via the SE38 program TAUCIG_CLEANUP.
Schedule this cleanup program to run on a periodic basis to delete old records. When a test system refresh is done, a manual run with the Refresh option should be executed.
Program selection screen
Provide a date that will be used to delete records that have a creation date before the input date. The recommended value is (current date - 90 days).
Caution! This will clear the transactional data tables completely.
Only run the program with this option on a test system where data has been recently refreshed, and communication to Taulia must be reset. This option will not be executed in productive systems.
Provide a number of records to be deleted at a time. Recommended value: 100
Scheduling jobs
The Taulia extractions happen in 2 steps:
These two processes must be scheduled for each object to transfer (vendors, invoices, payments). In addition, a Company Code extract must also be scheduled to be executed on a periodic basis.
Company Code Extraction
Report TAUCIG_COMPANYCODE_EXPORT must be scheduled to run on a periodic basis.
The recommended frequency for scheduling is once a day. This report does not contain any selection screen parameters, so no variants are needed.
Report TAUCIG_QUEUE_FEEDER is the feeder program. Its selection screen has one input field, “Taulia integration process.” Different variants for the feeder program must be created so that the different objects are considered and added to the outbound queue.
Create the variants as follows:
Feeder object |
Taulia integration process |
Vendors |
AP Invoices |
AP Payments |
The feeder program must be scheduled multiple times, one for each variant created. Schedule these jobs to run on a periodic basis. Typical frequencies vary from 15 to 5 minutes of interval. Please take a look at your system load to schedule recurring jobs properly.
Report TAUCIG_QUEUE_COLLECTOR is the data collector program. Its selection screen has two input fields, “Taulia integration process” and “Batch size.” Different variants for the collector program must be created so that the different objects are considered and sent out to the Taulia platform.
Create the variants as follows:
Collector object |
Taulia integration process |
Vendors |
AP Invoices |
AP Payments |
The default (and recommended) value for Batch size is 500. This indicates the number of object IDs retrieved from the queue and sent in one job run. The batch size can be adjusted to be more adequate for system performance.
Table clean-up
Report TAUCIG_CLEANUP must be scheduled to run on a periodic basis.
This report cleans up temporary data no longer needed in the system. Make sure to choose the option “Delete entries older than” and create a dynamic variant with date calculation. The recommended value is (current date - 90 days).
Customizing behavior through BAdIs
The Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) on the Taulia Add-on are grouped under the structure node → Integration with Other SAP Components → SAP Taulia with Managed Gateway → Taulia Working Capital Integration → Business Add-Ins(BAdIs).
You can implement these BAdIs to enhance the standard functionality.
BAdI Definition |
Use |
Implementation methods |
Customize company code interface to Taulia |
PUBLISH_BEFORE_SEND: To change company code details before submission to Proxy |
Customize data selected in the Taulia Queue Feeder processes |
BEFORE_SAVE: To change data selected by the various queue feeder processes prior to saving to the Taulia Queue Table |
Customize vendor interface to Taulia |
HANDLE_BEFORE_SEND: To change vendor details before submission to Proxy |
Customize AP invoice interface to Taulia |
HANDLE_BEFORE_SEND: To change AP invoice details before submission to Proxy |
Customize AP payment interface to Taulia |
HANDLE_BEFORE_SEND: To change AP payment details before submission to Proxy |
Customize Working Capital Request from Taulia |
PRE_PROCESSING_INBOUND: To change the details of working capital requests before document updates |
Customize Working Capital Request Acknowledgement interface to Taulia |
HANDLE_BEFORE_SEND: To change details of the working capital acknowledgment before submission to Proxy |
Customize vendor master data update during Working Capital Request (SCF, VC) |
UPDATE: To perform working capital vendor master data update |
Customize Working Capital Request Cancellation from Taulia |
DURING_PROCESSING: To customize document update logic |
End-user transactions
Queue manager
The Queue manager shows which objects are queued for transfer to the Taulia Platform. Objects which have been successfully transferred are automatically removed from this queue.
The report can be accessed via the IMG node under → Integration with Other SAP Components → SAP Taulia with Managed Gateway → Taulia Working Capital Integration → General Settings → Maintain the Taulia Queue for Object Transfer.
The report can also be executed by transaction code TAUCIG_QUEUE or via SE38, program TAUCIG_QUEUE_MANAGER.
The Queue manager can also be used to manually add objects that need to be transferred to Taulia or to retransfer objects as necessary. Removing objects from the queue will also function to prevent their transfer.
To manually add objects that must be transferred to Taulia, click "Insert Row" and enter the Object Type and Object ID of the items you wish to transfer. You may do this for multiple items at the same time by clicking "Insert Row" multiple times. Save your entries to add the objects to the queue.
To prevent an item from being selected for transfer to Taulia, select the checkbox next to the item and click "Delete Row." You may do this for multiple items at the same time by selecting the checkbox next to multiple rows. You can save your entries to remove the objects from the queue.
Blocklist Monitor
Once the required jobs are activated, data will be transferred to the Taulia platform at the prescribed intervals and according to the configuration defined. The Blocklist monitor is a user interface to limit data transfer from the SAP add-on that can be used to display and maintain the blocklist. A blocklist is a list of manually maintained entries via the blocklist monitor. Once on the blocklist, a given object (or its related objects) will not be added to the outbound queue and won’t be transferred to the Taulia platform unless it’s already in the outbound queue.
The following types of objects are allowed for blocking from being sent to Taulia:
Any data previously sent to the Taulia platform will not be deleted. However, the object will no longer be updated and adjusted with further updates as long as the item is on the block list.
The report can be accessed via the IMG node under → Integration with Other SAP Components → SAP Taulia with Managed Gateway → Taulia Working Capital Integration → General Settings → Maintain Blocklist.
The report can also be executed by transaction code TAUCIG_BLOCKLIST or via the SE38 program TAUCIG_BLOCKLIST.
When the blocklist transaction is open, the following buttons are available at the top of the screen:
When entries are added or removed, the SAVE button must be hit to record the updates in the database.
Note: Object IDs are not validated upon insertion into the blocklist. Ensure the values added are correct and contain the necessary leading zeroes. Inputting an incorrect value will result in no block occurring.
The following describes the behavior of the blocklist according to the object type and the "all related" flag:
Object type |
When "all related" = false |
When "all related"= true |
The invoice with the specified object ID will be blocked. Object IDs are defined as a concatenation of company code + document number + fiscal year. |
N/A |
The payment with the specified object ID will be blocked. Object IDs are defined as a concatenation of company code + document number + fiscal year. |
N/A |
This scenario is not possible: all COMPANY lines will have the "all related" flag set to true. |
The company code with the specified number will be blocked. Also, objects of type BKPF, BKPF_PAY, and LFB1 that belong to the specified company code will be blocked. |
Vendors that are from the specified country will be blocked. |
Vendors that are from the specified country will be blocked. In addition, objects of type BKPF, and BKPF_PAY that belong to vendors from the specified country will not be added to the outbound queue. |
Vendors that belong to the specified account group will be blocked |
Vendors that belong to the specified account group will be blocked. In addition, objects of type BKPF, BKPF_PAY that belong to these vendors will also be blocked |
LFA1 |
Vendors that have the specified vendor number will be blocked |
Vendors (LFA1 and LFB1) that have the specified vendor number will be blocked. In addition, objects of type BKPF BKPF_PAY that belong to these vendors will also be blocked. |
LFB1 |
Vendors with the specified object ID will be blocked at the company code. Object IDs are defined as a concatenation of vendor number + company code. |
Vendors at company codes that have the specified object IDs will be blocked. In addition, objects of type BKPF, and BKPF_PAY that belong to these vendor/company codes will also be blocked. |
Retransfer and transfer priorities
Transaction TAUCIG_TRANSFER or via SE38, program TAUCIG_TRANSFER can be used to trigger a mass retransfer of Vendor master, invoices, and/or payments based on a selection by vendor and date range. Users can also choose the priority on which the objects will be added to the queue. Objects with higher priorities are picked first by the data Collectors.
The retransfer transaction can be used to:
There is an option to either manually mark the desired documents for transfer or to automatically add all of the relevant objects to the queue for transfer in a background process.
Processing options:
If the "Display selection for further processing" radio button is selected, An ALV output is displayed with an object list based on the selection screen criteria. The user can then select the lines and click on the button "Add marked ones" to add them to the outbound queue.
A ‘Priority’ dropdown will be displayed to choose the priority on which the objects will be added to the queue.
10 - High Priority
50 - Standard Priority
100 - Low Priority
Objects with higher priorities are picked first by the data collectors.
If the "Retransfer selection in the background automatically" radio button is selected,
There’s no option to select objects to be added to the queue. The program will select the data according to the selection criteria and will add all the relevant items into the outbound queue with standard priority in the background.
Visualizing application logs
The Taulia add-on creates application logs with execution details for every process. These logs can be visualized via transaction SLG1.
The following Objects and subobjects can be used to filter the relevant information:
Object |
Subobject |
Process |
Company code extraction |
Vendor feeder | |
Vendor data collector | |
AP invoice feeder |
AP invoice data collector | |
AP payment feeder |
AP payment data collector | |
Early payment execution |
Early payment acknowledgment | |
Interface setup program |
Outbound message acknowledgment |
The "message ID" field displayed in SRT_MONI for a given message can also be provided on the “External ID” field in SLG1. This ID will refer to logs generated when the particular message was created.
Message monitoring
Transaction SRT_MONI can be used to monitor inbound and outbound messages sent and received by the Taulia add-on.
The following table lists all the interfaces used by the Taulia add-on for sending and receiving messages:
Process |
Interface type |
Interface name |
AP invoice extraction |
Sender |
ApInvoiceExtract_Async_Out |
AP payment extraction |
Sender |
ApPaymentExtract_Async_Out |
Company code extraction |
Sender |
CompanyCodeExtract_Async_Out |
Early payment processing |
Receiver |
EarlyPaymentRequest_Async_In |
Early payment acknowledgment |
Sender |
EPAck_Async_out |
Message acknowledgement |
Receiver |
MessageAcknowledgeRequest_Async_In |
Vendor master extraction |
Sender |
VendorExtract_Async_Out |
The “Message-ID” value for a given message can be used as selection criteria in transaction SLG1, field “External ID.” This will list all the logs recorded when the message was generated and sent through the interface.
User-defined search criteria in SRT_MONI
To enable searching in SRT_MONI based on payload content, the specific search fields require configuration. This configuration can be accessed by executing transaction SOAMANAGER and navigating to Monitoring → User-Defined Search.
To create a new configuration, select the Create button and locate the interface for which you wish to configure the search fields. All Taulia interfaces are available in the http://sap.com/xi/TAUCI1 namespace. Below is a list of suggested interfaces and fields. However, you may choose to configure fewer or more fields based on your preferences.
Interface |
Search Field |
MessageAcknowledgeRequest_Async_In |
erpBatchId |
documentId |
VendorExtract_Async_Out |
VendorNo |
ErpId |
ApInvoiceExtract_Async_Out |
ObjidFi |
VendorNo |
ApPaymentExtract_Async_Out |
ObjidFi |
VendorNo |
EarlyPaymentRequest_Async_In |
documentId |
transactionId |
EPAck_Async_out |
ErpDocumentId |
TransactionId |
EarlyPaymentCancellation_Async_In |
earlyPaymentRequestId |
Once in the configuration screen, to add a field into the search parameters section, either drag and drop the desired field or right-click and select Add. Once the fields have been added, save the configuration into a transport request, which can be moved to other systems.
Taulia’s Payables Financing settings allow you to set up and control the funding types, rates, business unit restrictions, liquidity limits, and calendar settings for the payables financing programs offered to your suppliers.
In the Supplier Center you can add new admin user individually or mass upload to already enrolled vendors in the Taulia Portal.
This article will explain the most common reasons why an AR Financing invoice may not be in Available status.
Information about the various invoice statuses and how a supplier can see a detailed status description.
Easily upload new invoices to Taulia for AR financing.
Easily view all of your AR Financing invoices, view and request AR Financing early payments, and view payments associated with AR Financing invoices from the Receivables Invoices page.
Vanessa, Technical Services Manager