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Taulia Add-on for SAP integration suite, managed gateway SP02 Release Notes: 000010692

Article Number: 000010692

Release date

November 10, 2023

Support Period

November 10, 2023 - November 10, 2025



Automatic Setup Program
A new program (TAUCIG_ADD_SETUP_ENTRIES) has been created to automatically create required entries for Taulia in the relevant ARBCIG tables. Generating these entries via the program prevents the need to upgrade the ARBCI1 component during the initial implementation of the Taulia add-on for the SAP integration suite, managed gateway. This is a one-time activity.
The program has the ability to run in "test mode" to preview the tables and entries that will be created. It is recommended to run this program and generate the table entries in each system which will be set up for the Taulia integration, or to add the generated table entries into a transport to be replicated across the SAP landscape.

Add-on Initiated Retransfer Tool
A new end-user tool to select items for retransfer to the Taulia Platform has been created. The Taulia Mass Re-transfer tool (t-code: /TAULIA/TRANSFER) allows the mass retransfer of vendors, invoices, and payments.

A selection screen is provided where a user can specify a list of suppliers, supplier countries, or supplier account groups for which they would like to retransfer data, the types of objects they would like to transfer, as well as a lookback period for documents. There is the option to display the data in a report for further selection in the foreground or retransfer automatically in the background. The selection of items from the report in the foreground allows for further indication of the priority for which the data collector processes should send the selected items.
Selection of items for retransfer automatically adds those items to the Taulia Queue Table (TAUCIG_QUEUE) unless they are further filtered in the Taulia Blocklist (t-code: TAUCIG_BLOCKLIST) or the Taulia Queue Feeder BAdI. Documents will not be available for retransfer if their document type is not defined in the Taulia Document Types for Transfer configuration (t-code: TAUCIG_DOCS) or the Taulia AP Down Payment Documents configuration (t-code: TAUCIG_DWNPMT). Items added to the queue table via the retransfer tool will have their origin denoted in that table as follows:

  • Origin = R - Retransfer
  • Suborigin = T1 - Retransfer program


Company Code Enhancements
The Business Add-In (BAdI) for company code customization (TAUCIG_COMPANY_CODE) has been enhanced to allow logging inside of the BAdI code. Messages logged in the BAdI are passed to the company code extract program (TAUCIG_COMPANYCODE_EXPORT) for visualization in the application log monitor.

Queue Manager Improvements
A new "Reset Row" button has been added to the toolbar in the Taulia Queue Manager (t-code: TAUCIG_QUEUE). This tool will remove the ERP Batch ID and reset the counter on the selected item(s), which will trigger the item to be extracted again by the Add-on. This tool may be needed when an object was extracted by the Add-on and passed to the middleware successfully but was not successfully acknowledged by Taulia due to some communication failure.

Blocklist Improvements
The queue feeder processes have been enhanced to respect company codes maintained in the Taulia Blocklist (t-code: TAUCIG_BLOCKLIST). No vendor, AP invoice, and AP payment data for blocked company codes are added to the queue by the respective feeder processes.

Taulia Register Improvements
The Taulia Accelerated Documents Register table (TAUCIG_REGISTER) has been extended to store the original payee on a document. The original payee value is stored in this table when a working capital request is received from the Taulia Platform. For Supply Chain Finance, the original payee is overwritten by the funder payee. If a working capital cancellation request is received, the original payee value is retrieved from the table and restored to the document.


Blocklist Duplicate Logging
It fixed an issue with the company code extract that generated duplicate log messages for company codes in the Taulia Blocklist (t-code: TAUCIG_BLOCKLIST).

Short Dumps in Vendor Process
Fixed an issue that was causing short dumps in the vendor data collector process for vendors with multiple permitted payees.

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