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Release Date |
September 23, 2023 |
Support Period |
September 29, 2023 - September 29, 2025 |
SAP Security Screening
We are pleased to announce that the Taulia Add-on for SAP is now available in the SAP for Me Software Center! This version of the Add-on has surpassed SAP’s rigorous security screening process and is available to download.
The Taulia user exit to limit suppliers for invitation and EP assignment (DD13) has been deprecated in order to achieve SAP software security screening requirements. Customers who have this user exit activated in the Taulia User Exit Activation configuration (t-code: /TAULIA/BS_VUEC) should get in touch with their Taulia representative to discuss options.
S/4 HANA 2022 Compatibility
Release 5.0 of the Taulia Add-on for SAP is now compatible with SAP S/4 HANA 2022. Contact your Taulia representative if you require additional information about our SAP Add-on certification.
Simplified Working Capital Configuration for Flexible Funding
Several features that were historically only configurable in the Taulia Add-on for SAP are now configurable in the Taulia Buyer UI. These features include:
Moving these features to the Taulia Platform allows for enhanced controls, cross-ERP consolidation, and streamlined support, as well as providing a path to the rapid adoption of Taulia Flexible Funding solutions. Get in touch with your Taulia representative if you would like to take advantage of these features and migrate to the simplified configuration.
Customers using the legacy Add-on configurations for working capital will continue to be supported but will not be able to leverage all of Taulia’s Flexible Funding solutions.
NOTE: All Taulia working capital products are now supported in the simplified configuration, with the exception of the SCF Paying Agent. SCF with paying agents must still be configured using the legacy setup in the Taulia Add-on for SAP.
Simplified Configuration
When working capital programs are defined on the Taulia Platform, the "simplified group" scenario must be activated in the Taulia Add-on for SAP.
A new switch to turn on simplified WC group configuration (SIMPLE_GROUP_ON) has been created in the Generic Taulia Switches (t-code: /TAULIA/GEN_SWITCHS). The activation of this switch indicates that working capital configuration is maintained in the Taulia Platform and enables simplified configuration in the Taulia Add-on for SAP.
When simplified configuration is activated, the following legacy configuration activities are deprecated and any configuration maintained in these transactions is ignored. These transactions are not accessible anymore and an error message is issued if an attempt is made to access them:
When the simplified configuration is not active, a warning message is displayed, and access to these transactions is still allowed. These legacy transactions are no longer available in the Taulia Configuration structure (t-code: /TAULIA/CONFIG) so must be accessed through the transaction code.
There is a new (optional) configuration activity to Define Simple Working Capital Groups (t-code: /TAULIA/WC_GROUP) in the Taulia Add-on for SAP. When simplified configuration is active, it is no longer necessary to define groups in SAP. However, this activity can optionally be used to define simple groups for Supply Chain Finance and Virtual Card program types within the Add-on for the purpose of allowing specific users to perform master data updates. Dynamic Discounting and SCF Paying Agent group types are not supported in this activity. When the simplified configuration is active and simple groups are maintained in the Add-on, the legacy Early Payment Assignment tool (t-code: /TAULIA/EPASSIGN) can still be used, and the user will be presented with a streamlined transaction for assigning suppliers to groups based on the simple group definition table. Assigning suppliers to simplified groups in the legacy Early Payment Assignment tool will trigger the SCF Processing job (ED_PROC) to add the configured permitted payees for SCF and the configured payment method for Virtual Cards to the supplier master data at the company code level. These changes will be executed under the user ID of the person executing the assignment transaction. For suppliers in an SCF simplified group, the SCF Processing job will always use the SCF Collection Accounts configuration (t-code: /TAULIA/CSCFCOLL) and apply all the configured payees into the supplier/company code.
WARNING: The definition of the Simple Working Capital Groups (t-code: /TAULIA/WC_GROUP) requires dual-maintenance of suppliers in the appropriate working capital group, both in the Taulia Add-on for SAP as well as the Taulia Buyer UI. Therefore, the use of this configuration is not recommended unless there is a specific business need to have groups maintained in the Add-on or to have the master data update performed by specific users using the legacy supplier assignment tool.
Simplified Liquidity
Enhanced liquidity management is now available in the Taulia Platform and should be activated in conjunction with Simplified Working Capital Configuration. When the simplified configuration is active, liquidity limits are not being checked by the Taulia Add-on anymore. Invoice extraction and early payment execution are not subject to liquidity checks, neither at the group nor at the paying company code level. Additionally, when a working capital request is received in the Submit Early Payment (EP_DO) process, the finance rate is not checked against the hurdle rate as the floor for early payment rates.
Simplified Calendars
Enhanced payment and holiday calendars are now available in the Taulia Platform and should be activated in conjunction with Simplified Working Capital Configuration. When the simplified configuration is active, the non-finance dates in the Invoice Send (INV_OUT) process are not set by the Taulia Add-on anymore. Similarly, when a working capital request is received in the Submit Early Payment (EP_DO) process, the finance date of the request will not be checked against the Add-on calendar configuration.
Simplified Dynamic Discounting Rates
Dynamic Discounting rate group definition is now available in the Taulia Platform and should be activated for Simplified Working Capital Configuration. When the simplified configuration is active, rate group and financing start date information are not provided to the Taulia Platform by the Taulia Add-on anymore in the Invoice Send (INV_OUT) process. Legacy rate group information and supplier assignment status are hidden from various reports and transactions where that information was previously displayed.
Simplified Data Extract
When the simplified configuration is active, working capital eligibility for suppliers and AP documents is always determined by the Taulia Platform. There is no longer a structure in the Invoice Send process (INV_OUT) for communicating working capital product eligibility to the Taulia Platform. For SCF, there is no longer any supplier-level or document-level SCF eligibility indicator sent from SAP. Therefore, by default, all Taulia Working Capital products will be in scope for a given document.
To achieve customer-specific needs to disable working capital product types for certain business needs, a new structure has been defined (CT_INV_WC_DISABLE) to allow for custom logic to disable the various product types as well as to provide a reason for their disablement. The disablement of Taulia Working Capital product types via this structure can only be implemented via user exit (CT02). This new structure is available for both POD and Taulia Direct integrations.
Since the type of working capital product that will apply to an invoice is unknown at the time an invoice is sent to the Taulia Platform, document eligibility checks based on configuration transactions are no longer performed by the Add-on. The following tables are no longer checked when the simplified configuration is active:
The following checks related to supplier and document level eligibility will remain in place but will not be communicated to the Taulia Platform for working capital eligibility:
These checks will log a warning message in the Taulia Connection Monitor (t-code: /TAULIA/CONNECTOR) during the Invoice Send process (INV_OUT).
When the simplified configuration is active, the Early Payment changes (EP) process is no longer necessary, as the calculation of eligibility is handled in the Taulia Platform. This process does not need to be scheduled when Simplified WC Groups are active. If the process is scheduled, no eligibility changes will be detected, and a message will be logged in the Taulia Connection Monitor to show that Platform groups are configured.
All the transferred documents will contain the signature information required by the Taulia Platform to offer early payments.
Simplified Working Capital Request
When simplified configuration is active, supplier master updates for SCF and Virtual Card scenarios are performed when a working capital request is received. These updates are now performed by the Submit Early Payment (EP_DO) process before executing the necessary document changes. The process will check the supplier master for the relevant payee(s) for SCF and the relevant payment method for Virtual Cards and update the supplier master if necessary.
A new switch has been created to disable this automatic supplier master update if necessary. This switch (NO_WC_VENDOR_UPDATE) has been created in the Generic Taulia Switches (t-code: /TAULIA/GEN_SWITCHS) to accommodate customers with a need to perform supplier master updates by a different method for master data governance.
Eligibility checks are still performed when a working capital request is received. These checks will still be executed prior to performing document updates during the Submit Early Payment process (EP_DO) and will result in a rejected working capital request if any of the exceptions are raised. The types of validations executed will be based on the finance type specified in the request payload sent by the Taulia Platform.
The document updates performed by the Submit Early Payment (EP_DO) process will always be based on the data provided by the Taulia Platform in the request payload:
Simplified Reporting
Enhanced Treasury and Dynamic Discounting group monitoring reports are now provided through Taulia Analytics tools in the Taulia Platform. Activating simplified configuration makes certain Taulia Add-on reports obsolete since DD rates are no longer maintained in the Taulia Add-on for SAP.
When simplified working capital configuration is activated, attempting to access any of the following reports in SAP will result in a message pop-up that the transaction has been deprecated:
The SCF Data Error Report (t-code: /TAULIA/ED_RECONCILE) is enhanced so that it correctly displays reconciliation issues based on the Taulia open document register when the simplified configuration is active.
Simplified GOS Tools
The following GOS tools are no longer relevant when the simplified configuration is active. These menu options are no longer displayed:
The GOS tool for SCF checks has been modernized to support Flexible Funding scenarios as follows:
Early Payment Requests for AR Financing
The Taulia Add-on for SAP is now capable of supporting early payment requests for AR financing. The recommended approach for identifying financed invoices in SAP is to mark the AR invoices as factored through configured fields “AR Pledge Indicator” and to specify the financing details in the text field of the customer line item. These updates are now automated in this release of the Taulia Add-on.
AR Finance Configuration
To activate Taulia AR financing, the pledging indicator for accounts receivable must be set up in SAP. A new variable (AR_INDICATOR) has been added to the Global Taulia Parameters (t-code: /TAULIA/CPARAM), where the pledging indicator value must be configured. This pledging indicator value will be applied to the AR invoice when an early payment request is received.
A new switch has been created to overwrite any existing text in the customer item of the AR invoice. This switch (AR_OVR_TXT) has been created in the Generic Taulia Switches (t-code: /TAULIA/GEN_SWITCHS) to overwrite any text that may exist in the customer line item of the AR invoice with the Taulia financing details. Activating this switch will prevent the Taulia financing details from being truncated due to the 50-character limit of this field.
AR Finance Request
When an AR document is financed, the Taulia Add-on for SAP receives an early payment request for the related documents with a Finance Type of "AR" via the Submit Early Payment process (EP_DO). The Add-on performs some standard configuration, customer, and document level checks to ensure that:
If any of these checks fail, an error message is logged in the Taulia Connection Monitor (t-code: /TAULIA/CONNECTOR) and the request is rejected.
If all checks are successful, the Add-on updates the configured pledging indicator in the customer line of the AR invoice to denote that the document has been financed. Additionally, Taulia AR financing information is added to the text field of the AR invoice's customer item in the following format: Taulia + [pay date] + [prepayment amount] + [percent]. The values for pay date, prepayment amount, and percent are provided in the request by the Taulia Platform. The default behavior is to add this information to the end of any existing text.
If applicable, the original pledging indicator and text of the invoice are logged in a Taulia table for later reconciliation.
Credit Note Netting for Dynamic Discounting
The Taulia Add-on for SAP is now capable of receiving early payment requests with credit note netting for Dynamic Discounting. When a netted position is received with a DD finance type, the invoice(s) and credit note are adjusted in the Submit Early Payment (EP_DO) process with the early payment due date and discount information.
As the due date is a calculated field in SAP, all documents in the netted position will be updated with the early payment date as the baseline date as well as the configured Taulia due immediately payment term. If the credit memo is not linked to an invoice through the invoice reference field, the letter "V" will be applied in the reference field to trigger the SAP standard payment processing logic to respect the terms and baseline date for the due date calculation.
The Payment Preparation Settings (t-code: /TAULIA/DD_CPAY) define how the discount is posted to ensure accurate discount capture across all documents:
An error in processing any of the documents in the netted position will result in reverting changes to all documents, and a rejection will be sent to the Taulia Platform.
Taulia now supports the ability to cancel a DD early payment request. Upon cancellation, the document(s) will be returned to the state that they were in prior to the early payment request. The due date (baseline date and terms fields) will be adjusted to the original one, and the discount information will be reverted. This cancellation functionality also works for credit note netted DD scenarios by reverting all documents from the originally requested netted position.
The 5.0 release of the Taulia Add-On for SAP contains the following new features and enhanced functionality:
Working Capital Management
Virtual Card Enhancements
The SCF Data Error Report (t-code: /TAULIA/ED_RECONCILE) has been enhanced for invoices that have been requested for a virtual card program. This check will validate that the configured virtual card payment method exists on the invoice. If this check fails, it will be flagged in the report under Issue Type: Invoices.
Enhanced Working Capital Request and Cancellation Orchestration
The code that executes the checks and document updates for a working capital request during the Submit Early Payment process (EP_DO) has been modularized. This does not affect functionality but optimizes performance and simplifies troubleshooting.
Logic has been added to explicitly update the “Changed On date” in the SAP Accounting Document Header table (BKPF) when a document is changed via working capital request. Previously, this change date field was not being updated.
When the Taulia Add-on for SAP receives a working capital cancellation request for a given invoice via the Receive EP Cancel process (RECV_EPCAN) for Taulia Direct Connections or the Supplier Action process (BUSACT) for POD connections, that invoice will be checked against an error table to see if a cancellation can be successfully processed. If the invoice is in this table for reasons other than that a cancellation was already processed, the working capital cancellation will fail, and a rejection notification will be sent to the Taulia Platform. This will indicate to Taulia's Technical Services and Financial Operations teams that the situation requires further review.
The processing of working capital requests has been enhanced to avoid processing requests that have already been canceled. This helps prevent the scenario where requests and cancellations may be processed out of order in the event of a system outage.
For Taulia Direct integrations, the technical acknowledgment of working capital requests and working capital cancellation requests has been streamlined to improve performance and simplify troubleshooting.
Bank data and sensitive field signature values are no longer required to be sent to the Taulia Platform in the acknowledgment. These values have been removed from the payload sent by Taulia Direct integrations.
An improvement was done for logging of working capital requests in the Taulia Connection Monitor (t-code: /TAULIA/CONNECTOR), and certain duplicated messages were removed from the logs.
Area Menu Modernization
Adjustments to the Taulia Area Menu (t-code: /TAULIA/1) were done to better organize the access to working capital end-user transactions:
Flexible Discount Base Enablement
Two new header-level fields were created on the Taulia invoice APIs to support flexible funding:
These fields are communicated to the Taulia Platform in the Invoice Send process (INV_OUT). These fields can be populated via User Exit to set a discount base amount other than the invoice gross amount and to communicate a reason for the difference. The use of a flexible discount base value allows working capital eligibility for unique scenarios (i.e. invoices subject to withholding tax, down payments, invoices discounted by other business processes, etc.) These new fields are available for both POD and Taulia Direct integrations.
Improvements to JPM Paying Agent Handling
For JPM Paying Agent SCF programs, when the Taulia Add-on for SAP sends a document to the Taulia Platform, certain checks are performed to determine if that document is SCF Eligible, and the funder payee and partner bank type are set accordingly. Previously, SCF eligibility was only evaluated for approved invoices. If a document were retransferred after it was paid, reversed, or cleared, it would have its SCF eligibility removed automatically. This logic has been relaxed to allow SCF eligibility to be retained on paid, reversed, and cleared invoices if the funder payee has been applied.
Support for ESG Rates
The Taulia Platform now allows a 0% discount rate for dynamic discounting to support ESG-related early payments. The Taulia Add-on for SAP now allows an early payment request to be processed if the discount amount is zero.
Expanded Working Capital Eligibility
An adjustment on the determination of the Net Days value was made for documents that have fixed date terms or are due immediately terms with a baseline date in the future. The Net Days will be re-calculated based on the payment term date type and sent to the Taulia Platform with the correct value. This will enable the Taulia Platform to make these documents eligible for Working Capital solutions.
The SAP automatic payment program no longer blocks payment for an invoice when there is a payment block applied to the supplier master at the general data level. Therefore, it is no longer considered in Taulia checks for working capital eligibility. This only applies to customers using the legacy working capital group configuration.
Enhanced Messaging for SCF Eligibility Checks
A short dump occurs on the AP Invoice Send process (INV_OUT) in the case that SCF is active for a customer, but the SCF collection/bank account configuration is missing. This short dump is intentional to safeguard against sending invoices to the Taulia Platform without the SCF eligibility details. The error message displayed in the short dump is now more informative to explain the corrective action. This only applies to customers using the legacy working capital group configuration.
Improved Messaging in EP Assignment Tool
The pop-up message produced when removing a supplier from an SCF group in the Early Payment Assignment tool (t-code: /TAULIA/EPASSIGN) has been enhanced. The pop-up message will now more accurately reflect when there are invoices outstanding for payment to a third-party funder.
Authorization Check in EP Assignment Tool
The Early Payment Assignment tool (t-code: /TAULIA/EPASSIGN) submits a background job to perform necessary vendor master updates when a user makes an EP Group change. The user who makes the change must have authorization to submit background jobs. This tool has been enhanced to now raise an error message if the user who executes the change does not have authorization to submit background jobs.
Refresh Available for EP Group Assignment Information
EP Group assignment information can now be refreshed in the Vendor Dashboard (t-code: /TAULIA/VENDASHBOARD) and the Historical Data Transfer (t-code: /TAULIA/INIT).
Extended Reconciliation Table
The Taulia SCF Payment Register table has been extended to retain the original cash discount amount as well as the original follow-on document type of a referenced invoice. For certain credit note netting scenarios, the cash discount may be overwritten on the invoice, and the invoice reference fields may be cleared on the credit memo. Therefore, there is a need to retain the original value of the fields in this table for later reconciliation and to revert back to the original value in the event of an early payment cancellation.
Improved Eligibility Messaging in GOS
The functional reason for EP eligibility exceptions will now be provided when using the GOS menu to assess early payment details. Previously, only the exception code was provided, which did not have a functional explanation.
Document Management
Improve Invoice Tax Mapping for Partner Solutions
Added mapping for header-level and item-level tax fields, which were not mapped to partner workflow solutions (OpenText VIM, Kofax & Serrala) upon invoice submission. Tax data submitted by suppliers, including taxes on miscellaneous charges, is now mapped and passed to the partner tax data structures.
Aligned Fields for Serrala Invoicing
The PO number (EBELN) now uses the Serrala-defined data type for that field during the PO invoiced amount calculation.
General Taulia Functionality
Accelerated Integration Improvements
For customers using Accelerated Integration mode, the selection of vendors with changed addresses from the SAP standard Supplier Master (General Selection) table LFA1 is enhanced to improve the performance of the feeder process for vendors (FEED_VEN).
A new Reset Initialization tool (t-code: /TAULIA/INIT_FEEDER) has been created for Accelerated Integration mode to reset the feeder processes in case there is a need to restart initialization. This tool can be executed to reset the timestamp table for the selected integration process, and the feeder job will be executed in "Initialization mode." The configuration for lookback periods is then taken into consideration, and all relevant historical data will be added to the outbound queue. There is also the option to clear existing objects in the queue for that process to prevent redundancies. Please note that all historical data that has already been transferred to the Taulia Platform will be transferred again.
In Accelerated Integration mode, when a feeder process is locked due to a concurrently running process, the Taulia Connection Monitor (t-code: /TAULIA/CONNECTOR) will now show the status of the locked process as a warning rather than an error.
The Vendor Dashboard (t-code: /TAULIA/VENDASHBOARD) for monitoring vendor enrollment status in Accelerated Integration mode can now be executed in background mode in order to generate a spooled output for reporting.
Taulia Direct Enhancements
The help text for the Taulia Direct Scheduler Configuration (t-code: /TAULIA/CSCHED) is updated to provide better specifics for how to configure the scheduler to run in background execution mode vs RFC mode.
The error handling in the Scheduler Configuration (t-code: /TAULIA/CSCHED) for Taulia Direct integrations has been improved to allow the correction of invalid data without needing to restart the transaction.
A timestamp has been added to the data sent to the Taulia Platform during the Purchase Order Changes process (PO) and the Invoice Send process (INV_OUT) for Taulia Direct integrations. This timestamp ensures that document changes are processed in the correct order and prevents current data from being overwritten by older information.
Additional payment term details are extracted during the Invoice Send process for Taulia Direct integrations.
Taulia will now pass the No Start After date/time when creating jobs for Taulia Direct, so they become obsolete when the next job is ready to start. This will prevent locks on Taulia jobs when multiple jobs for the same process attempt to start up at the same time after a database outage or severe system lag.
HTTP error logging is improved for Taulia Direct integrations. For any outbound calls made to the Taulia Platform that failed due to an HTTP error, the JSON payload and HTTP error message are captured in the Taulia Connector Monitor (t-code: /TAULIA/CONNECTOR).
Blank date fields are now removed from outbound Taulia Direct payloads to prevent errors when calling Taulia APIs.
Taulia Integration Assistant Enhancement
Integration via CPI is now a covered Taulia Direct Implementation scenario in the Taulia Integration Assistant (t-code: /TAULIA/TIA).
Enhanced Signature Generation Algorithm
When integrating to Taulia using Taulia Direct, the outgoing messages created by the add-on contain a signature field used to identify and authenticate the ERP system in the Taulia Platform. SHA-256 is now the algorithm used to generate this signature.
NOTE: For Taulia Direct customers upgrading to Taulia Add-on version 5.0, the buyer API keys on the Taulia platform must be updated to use this new algorithm. These new API keys must be updated for the relevant Add-on key in the REST Key Configuration (t-code: /TAULIA/CRESTKEY). This must be done for each SAP client in order to maintain connectivity to the Taulia Platform.
Get in touch with your Taulia representative to generate new API keys in conjunction with your upgrade.
POD Support for Nordic Payment Reference
The POD has been updated to map the Payment Reference field on the vendor line of an invoice to the correct field in the Taulia Platform, as required by Nordic region banks.
Improvements to the Legacy Initialization Tool
The performance of the legacy data initialization tool (t-code: /TAULIA/INIT) has been improved to run much faster when a large number of vendors are specified in the search criteria.
The legacy data initialization tool now offers the option to save custom ALV layouts.
Additional Invoice Data Extracted
Support for data extraction of non-PO invoices created via transaction MIRO is added to the Invoice Send process (INV_OUT).
The Invoice Send process will now extract the payment method code for all invoices, regardless of invoice status.
Logging for POs Skipped Due to Release Status
The message logging for purchase orders has been improved to log a warning message when a purchase order cannot be transferred to the Taulia Platform due to its release status. A warning will now be logged in the Taulia Connection Monitor (t-code: /TAULIA/CONNECTOR) within the Purchase Order Queue Feeder process (FEED_PO) for Accelerated Integration mode and within the Purchase Order Changes process (PO) for Classic Integration mode.
Improved PO Image Extraction
An improvement was made for document-based PO image transfers when a Smartform or a SAPscript form is used. When an error is raised during the form generation, the error is logged, and the processing for the particular image is skipped. Processing of the remaining queued items resumes.
Enablement of Supplier Launch Jurisdiction Checks
A new switch has been created to allow tax jurisdiction checks during business partner creation for Supplier Launch. This switch (TAXJUR_CHECK_ON) has been created in the Generic Taulia Switches (t-code: /TAULIA/GEN_SWITCHS) to accommodate S/4 HANA customers who required tax jurisdiction checks to be executed when creating a new business partner.
Advanced Alerting for Bank Master Changes
An improvement was made in the Fiori app for Vendor Master bank changes, alerting the user when Bank Master changes are going to be executed affecting all the vendors using the same bank.
Additional GOS Tools for Contracts
The Block/Unblock and Retransfer features were added to the GOS menu for Contracts in ME33K.
Timestamp Logging Improvement
The logic for capturing timestamps for time logging has been enhanced. This improves the accuracy of the timestamps logged in the Taulia Connection Monitor (t-code: /TAULIA/CONNECTOR).
Enhanced Data Clean-up Program
Additional tables are now considered by the data clean-up program (/TAULIA/CT_POD_CLEANUP_LOGS). Old records are removed from these tables according to the expiration date provided on the selection screen. New tables added to the program logic:
Regional Time Support for S/4 HANA 2021
The Taulia Add-on for SAP is enhanced to support the way SAP converts various regional times introduced in S/4 HANA 2021.
The 5.0 release of the Taulia Add-on for SAP contains the following fixed issues:
Working Capital Management
Virtual Card Fixes
Corrected the vendor update logic for virtual cards. When a supplier is assigned/unassigned to a virtual card program for a given company code, the SCF Processing job (ED_PROC) is now triggered to add/remove the configured payment method to the vendor for that company code. Previously, the payment method was added/removed to the paying company code.
Fixed an issue for suppliers removed from an SCF program in the Early Payment Assignment tool (t-code: /TAULIA/EPASSIGN). This issue was causing a superfluous SCF-related warning to be raised for invoices previously funded by a virtual card provider.
Fixed an issue where the finance rate of 0.00 for Virtual Card invoices was not being explicitly set in Taulia Direct. This was preventing Virtual Card eligibility for certain configurations of Virtual Card programs.
Corrected the behavior of the SCF Data Error Report (t-code: /TAULIA/ED_RECONCILE) to ensure that an exception is raised for suppliers assigned to a virtual card program who do not have the configured payment method assigned to their vendor master record. This exception can be automatically reconciled within the report to trigger the update of the payment method.
Corrected behavior in the GOS menu to ensure that early payment details are not accessible for an invoice in a virtual card program.
Fixes for JPM Paying Agent Handling
Resolved an issue that was causing reversed paying agent invoices to get stuck in the SCF Data Processing table (/TAULIA/TSCFPROC).
Fixed an issue that was causing paying agent credit memos to get stuck in the SCF Data Processing table when the variable to skip the paying agent credit memo document updates (SCF_PAYEE_SKIP_CM) is activated in the Global Taulia Parameters (t-code: /TAULIA/CPARAM).
The GOS option to assess early payment details for invoices was not showing the correct invoice status description for suppliers in SCF paying agent programs. This has been corrected to show the correct status, both for accelerated and non-accelerated invoices.
Fixed an issue that was causing SCF paying agent invoices to be eligible for early payment in the Taulia Platform when they had a payment order. Invoices should not be eligible for SCF in the Taulia Platform if they have a payment order.
Fixes for DD Credit Memo Postings
For Dynamic Discounting programs, configuration can be done so credit memos are posted for the discount amount. An issue with the credit memo creation code was found when the accelerated invoice had credit lines, causing the documents to not post. This issue has been resolved.
An issue was fixed for DD credit memo creation when the accelerated invoice currency was different from the company code currency. This issue was preventing the credit memo from being posted.
Payment Register Search Help Issue
Fixed an issue with the error codes logged in the SCF Payment Register Errors table (/TAULIA/TSCFE). This issue was preventing certain error codes from being displayed in the search help and making it difficult to use the table for troubleshooting errors.
Supplier Eligibility for Collection Accounts Based on Wrong Configuration
Fixed an issue where the SCF eligibility flag was not properly set on the supplier level when using the SCF Collection Accounts configuration for flexible funding. The supplier eligibility flag will now be set when the supplier is in an SCF group regardless of whether the legacy Default SCF Banking (t-code: /TAULIA/CSCF) or the new SCF Collection Accounts (t-code: /TAULIA/CACFCOLL) configuration is used.
Broken EP Assignment Feature Due to Missing Translation
Added a missing language translation which was preventing users from accessing the "Unassign Vendor" function in the Early Payment Assignment tool (t-code: /TAULIA/EPASSIGN) when logged into SAP in either French or German language.
Broken Document Links in Credit Note Netting
In certain credit note netting scenarios, the invoice reference fields on a credit memo were cleared by the Submit Early Payment process (EP_DO), breaking the link between the invoice and credit memo. This was occurring when the "Adjust baseline to due date" option was configured in the SCF Netted Position Handling configuration (t-code: /TAULIA/CCRDUEDT). This has now been resolved so that the invoice reference values remain intact.
Cross-Company Payments Incorrect on SCF Data Error Report
Fixed an issue in the SCF Data Error Report (t-code: /TAULIA/ED_RECONCILE) where cross-company payments were not being properly recognized, and items were incorrectly displayed as cleared on the report.
Business Partner Name Field Dislocation During SCF Processing Job
Fixed an issue that was causing the "First Name" field of some Business Partners to be relocated to the "Last Name" field during the SCF Processing job (ED_PROC). This was only an issue for Person-type Business Partners in SAP systems on S/4 HANA version 2021 or higher.
Short Dumps in EP_DO
Fixed a technical issue in the Submit Early Payment process (EP_DO), which was causing short dumps.
Document Management
ASN item notes are not saved correctly
Fixed an issue where item notes for ASNs were not being populated on the Inbound Delivery in SAP. This was only problematic when "F - Function Module" was selected as the posting type in the ASN Basic Settings configuration (t-code: /TAULIA/CT_ASN).
Special Charges not based on configuration
There was an issue with the calculation of invoice amount on invoice submissions from the Taulia Platform when special charge types were present. This has now been resolved so that charge types maintained in the Taulia Special Charges configuration (t-code: /TAULIA/CT_CSPCL) are correctly added to/subtracted from the invoice amount.
General Taulia Functionality
Accelerated Integration Fixes
A bug has been discovered for the supplier master initialization process in accelerated integration. For buyers with a high number of supplier records (over 45,000), the initialization process would not capture all of the data. This issue has been resolved.
Fixed an issue in Accelerated Integration mode that was causing invoice reversal documents to be sent to the Taulia Platform. When an invoice is reversed in SAP, the reversal document will not be transferred, but the status of the invoice is updated to show that it has been voided.
A bug was found on the Payment Feeder program for accelerated integration. In some scenarios, clearing documents were not being considered, and the related cleared documents were not being transferred with the correct status. This issue has been fixed.
Fixed an issue in Accelerated Integration mode where reversed AP payments were not being retransferred to show CANCELLED status in the Taulia Platform.
Made a change to the Payment Queue Feeder (FEED_PAY) process in Accelerated Integration mode to prevent payment documents from being added to the queue table when the invoices they paid are not in scope for Taulia.
Fixed an issue in Accelerated Integration mode where the Payment Queue Feeder process (FEED_PAY) was creating superfluous logs in the Taulia Connection Monitor (t-code: /TAULIA/CONNECTOR).
Fixed an issue that was preventing the Taulia "Queue Table Save" user exit (CT87) from being called, even when activated. This user exit can be utilized by customers using Taulia's Accelerated Integration model to modify the list of records to be added to the Taulia queue table based on customer requirements. It will now be called if activated.
Taulia Direct Fixes
Fixed an issue in Taulia Direct integrations that was preventing IBAN updates from being captured by the Vendor Bank Updates process (VEN_BANK) for SIM bank account changes.
An issue was discovered around deadlocks created when trying to update the process timestamp table in Taulia Direct integrations. This issue has been resolved.
Fixed an issue with Taulia Direct integrations that was preventing the retrieval of data for vendor partner functions in the Purchase Order process (PO). The vendor partner data is now retrieved in the Object Link structure and transmitted to the Taulia Platform.
Fixed an issue with the logging in the Vendor Master process (VEN) for Taulia Direct connections, which referenced "invoices" rather than "vendors" in the logging for a number of objects retrieved.
Fixed an issue that was preventing the ship-to address from being received in SAP on the Invoice Submission process (INV_IN). This was only impacting Taulia Direct customers.
GOS Fixes
Resolved an issue that was causing a short dump when using the GOS menu to retransfer a PO in ME23N.
Fixed an issue that was causing authorization check failures when the GOS Generic Object Services object is configured in the Taulia Authorization Objects (t-code: /TAULIA/CAUTH). This issue was preventing users from accessing GOS menu items for Taulia, even when they had the appropriate authorization.
Fixed several issues on the pop-up that is issued when using the GOS menu to view the supplier scorecard. Previously:
1 - The Enrollment Status did not show a correct date for initialized suppliers
2 - The main email address was not correctly displayed in Accelerated Integration scenarios
3 - The field which shows the date of initialization was incorrectly labeled as "Invited on."
Faulty Enrollment Status Column
The hover-over text on the enrollment status column of the following legacy supplier onboarding tools has been fixed to show the date the supplier record was sent to Taulia:
Company Code Extract Not Respecting Blocklist
When a Company Code (object type: COMPANY) is added to the blocklist, the Company Code extraction does not extract that company code anymore.
Incorrect Status on Reversed Partial Payments
When an invoice has one or multiple partial payments and all of these payments are reversed, the invoice is now correctly displayed on the Taulia portal with the status Approved.
Payment reversals available for retransfer
Fixed an issue that was causing payment reversal documents to show up in the Taulia Mass Re-transfer tool (t-code: /TAULIA/TRANSFER). While reversed documents can be sent to the Taulia Platform to have their status updated, reversal documents are not sent to the Taulia Platform.
PO item values are not displayed correctly
Fixed an issue in the Connection Monitor (t-code: /TAULIA/CONNECTOR) where the PO item net and gross values were not displayed correctly in the PO RFC data.
PO extract exceeding Taulia maximum batch size
Fixed an issue that was allowing too many POs to be extracted when the Taulia Generic Configuration Switch (t-code: /TAULIA/GEN_SWITCHS) to extract material data from MSEG (PO_MSEG_ON) is active.
Incorrect PO net value calculation
An issue with PO net value calculation, in the case that the unit of measure is non-dimensional, has been resolved.
PO Images Selected for Unreleased POs
Fixed an issue with the Business Document to Supplier process (BUSDOC_OUT) which was preventing PO images from being sent to the Taulia Platform when an unreleased PO was selected. Unreleased POs are not sent to the Taulia Platform, so they will no longer be considered in the PO image selection.
Incorrect Error Message in Job Scheduler
An issue was found in the Taulia Job Scheduler (t-code: /TAULIA/JOB_SCHEDULE) related to an incorrect error message being raised when a variant was not properly defined. This bug is now fixed, and the correct error message is displayed to indicate the problem.
User Exit Not Configurable
Resolved an issue with the Taulia user exit template for Master Data Cockpit Bank Updates (BS05). This issue was preventing the user exit from being configured in the Activate Taulia User Exits configuration (t-code: /TAULIA/BS_VUEC).
Typo in Message Board
Fixed a typo in one of the messages raised in the Taulia Message Board (t-code: /TAULIA/MSG).
Typo in Taulia Configuration Tree
There was a typo in the "SAP Configuration" node of the Taulia Configuration structure, which has now been resolved. This was only an issue in the SAP ECC version of the Taulia Add-on for SAP.
Taulia’s Payables Financing settings allow you to set up and control the funding types, rates, business unit restrictions, liquidity limits, and calendar settings for the payables financing programs offered to your suppliers.
In the Supplier Center you can add new admin user individually or mass upload to already enrolled vendors in the Taulia Portal.
This article will explain the most common reasons why an AR Financing invoice may not be in Available status.
Information about the various invoice statuses and how a supplier can see a detailed status description.
Easily upload new invoices to Taulia for AR financing.
Easily view all of your AR Financing invoices, view and request AR Financing early payments, and view payments associated with AR Financing invoices from the Receivables Invoices page.
Vanessa, Technical Services Manager