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Taulia Add-on for SAP 4.2 Release Notes: 000010636

Article Number: 000010636

Release Date

August 3, 2022

    Support Period     

August 3, 2022 - August 3, 2024        


Virtual Cards
With this release, the Taulia Add-on for SAP is capable of supporting Taulia Virtual Card programs. Taulia Virtual Card payments will be facilitated through a third-party card issuer based on data in the Taulia Platform. The Virtual Card issuer will issue a Virtual Card payment for the full value of the invoice amount via email. The invoice data extract and the update of the payment method on the SAP document are automated through the Taulia Add-on for SAP. There are also settings that must be performed in the Taulia Platform, so get in touch with your Taulia representative if you wish to activate this feature. 

New Configuration
A new payment method for Taulia Virtual Cards must be set up in SAP. A new variable (VC_PAYMENT_METH) has been added to the Global Taulia Parameters (t-code: /TAULIA/CPARAM) where this payment method must be configured. This payment method will be applied to invoices when a Taulia Virtual Card has been issued.
A new EP Group Type has been created for Virtual Cards. To activate a Virtual Card program, use the existing tool to Define Early Payment Rate Groups (t-code: /TAULIA/DD_CSCFG). Define a new rate group and specify the group type V - Virtual Cards.

Supplier Assignment
Suppliers are assigned to a virtual card program in the Early Payment Assignment tool (t-code: /TAULIA/EPASSIGN). When a supplier is assigned to a Virtual Card program, the SCF Processing job (ED_PROC) is triggered. This job looks into the Global Taulia Parameters (t-code: /TAULIA/CPARAM) to add the configured virtual card payment method variable (VC_PAYMENT_METH) to the supplier master record. Validation is performed to check that the configured payment method is set up correctly for the company code of the supplier record and error messages are logged in the Taulia Connection Monitor (/TAULIA/CONNECTOR).

When a supplier is removed from a Virtual Card program, the SCF Processing job is triggered to remove the configured payment method from the supplier master record. If the payment method is not there (it has been removed manually) an error message is logged in the Taulia Connection Monitor.

Invoice Extract
When a supplier is assigned to a virtual card program and a document for that supplier is sent to the Taulia Platform, certain checks are performed in SAP to determine if that document is eligible for receiving a virtual card. The Taulia Add-on for SAP will inform the Taulia Platform of each document's virtual card eligibility in the Invoice Send process (INV_OUT).

Virtual Card Request
When a virtual card is issued to a supplier, the Taulia Add-on for SAP receives a virtual card request for the related documents with a Finance Type of "VC" via the Submit Early Payment process (EP_DO).
The Add-on performs some standard checks including validation against SAP standard tables REGUS and REGUP to ensure the vendor and related document(s) are not locked in a payment proposal. If any of these checks fail, an error message is logged in the Taulia Connection Monitor (/TAULIA/CONNECTOR).
If all checks are successful, the Add-on sets the configured payment method for virtual cards on the document(s). If applicable, the original payment method is logged in a Taulia table for later reconciliation.

Virtual Card Cancellation
When a virtual card is not able to be issued to a supplier, the Add-on receives a virtual card cancellation request via the Receive EP Cancel process (RECV_EPCAN) for Taulia Direct Connections or the Supplier Action process (BUSACT) for POD connections. These processes restore the original payment method to the related document(s) as stored in the Taulia reconciliation table.

Data Error Report
A new check has been added to the SCF Data Error Report (t-code: /TAULIA/ED_RECONCILE) for suppliers assigned to a virtual card program. This check will validate that the configured virtual card payment method exists on the master data for the virtual card supplier. If this check fails, it will be flagged in the report under Issue Type: Vendor Records. No invoice level checks for virtual cards will be flagged in the SCF Data Error Report.

GOS Tools
An attempt to use the GOS menu to assess early payment details for a supplier in a virtual card program will result in the message "This invoice is part of a Virtual Card program and not offered for Early Payment." For suppliers in Dynamic Discounting and SCF programs, an attempt to use the GOS menu to assign an invoice to a virtual card program will result in the message "Cannot assign the invoice to a Virtual Card group".

Data Hosting in China
Taulia has a fully tested solution for connecting customer SAP systems hosted in China to Taulia’s NA and EU hosted data centers. There are two limitations to integrating with customer SAP systems located in China:

  • Intermittent latency issues through the Chinese Firewall
  • Audit concerns with exchanging data with a foreign host

As a solution, Taulia can host a Chinese domestic POD server to facilitate communication with the Taulia Platform. Taulia will act as a domestic third party for receiving/sending and forwarding the data to/from Taulia's NA and EU hosted data centers.


The 4.2 release of the Taulia Add-On for SAP contains the following new features and enhanced functionality:

Working Capital Management

Improvements to JPM Paying Agent Handling

For JPM Paying Agent SCF programs, when the Taulia Add-on for SAP sends an SCF Eligible document to the Taulia Platform, the Paying Agent payee/bank ID is set on the document regardless of whether it is an invoice or a credit memo. This caused inconsistencies with funder maturity payments in certain situations.

A new variable (SCF_PAYEE_SKIP_CM) has been added to the Global Taulia Parameters (t-code: /TAULIA/CPARAM). Activating this variable will function to prevent the update of the Paying Agent payee/bank ID on credit memos on the Invoice Send process (INV_OUT) as well as on the Early Payment Changes process (EP). The payee/bank ID may still be updated on the credit memo at the time of Early Payment Request (EP_DO) if Credit Note Netting is activated.

Extraction of Nordic Payment Reference
Nordic region banks require a Nordic Payment Reference (OCR Number) in order to provide SCF funding for a specific document. To meet this requirement, the Taulia Add-on for SAP has been enhanced to extract the Payment Reference (BSEG-KIDNO) from the invoice vendor line in the Invoice Send process (INV_OUT).

Customizable SCF Certificate Selection
It is now possible to customize SCF certificate selection via user exit (BS12).

Enhanced Early Payment Eligibility Messages
The message text for several early payment eligibility checks is enhanced to be more descriptive. These messages can be displayed in the Taulia Connection Monitor (t-code: /TAULIA/CONNECTOR) for the Invoice Send process (INV_OUT). 

SCF EP Cancellation Improvements
The SCF EP Cancellation process now produces an error when the document update to remove the payee/bank ID is unsuccessful. The applicable error message is logged in the Taulia Connection Monitor (t-code: /TAULIA/CONNECTOR) in the Receive EP-Cancel Request process (RECV_EPCAN) for Taulia Direct connections and the Supplier Actions process (BUSACT) for POD connections.

Document Management

Streamlined PO Invoice Submission
A superfluous RFC mapping for Material Code was removed from Taulia Direct invoice submissions from the Taulia Platform. The Taulia Add-on for SAP derives material from the PO item in SAP.

Improved OpenText VIM Logging
Logging for invoices submitted to OpenText VIM which do not return a workflow ID has been improved.

General Taulia Functionality

Taulia Integration Assistant Improvements
Users now have the ability to manually complete items en masse within the Taulia Integration Assistant (t-code: /TAULIA/TIA). This can be accomplished through the new "Manually Complete" icon in the toolbar within each integration scenario.

An improvement was made to the Accelerated Data Init Method scenario to prevent duplication of the Inactive Company Codes tasks.

Partial & Down Payments
Partial payments made via F-53 and manual vendor down payments made via FBA7 will now be recognized as payment documents for automatic transmission to the Taulia Platform, given the doc type is defined as a payment doc type in the Taulia Document Type Transfer configuration (t-code: /TAULIA/CT_CINV1). Manual vendor down payments must also have their document type and special GL indicator configured in the Taulia Outgoing Down Payment Invoice Transfer activity (t-code: /TAULIA/CDPMT).

The partial payment, as well as down payment documents, can now be displayed and retransferred in the Taulia Mass Re-transfer tool (t-code: /TAULIA/TRANSFER) as well as via the GOS menu.

The invoice related to a partial payment will automatically retransfer to the Taulia Platform and its status will update to "Partially Paid".

This has been enhanced both for Accelerated Integration and Classic Integration models.

Modernized Enrollment Monitor
The Taulia Enrollment Monitor (t-code: /TAULIA/ENROLLMENT) has been modernized to reflect Taulia's current terminology and to enhance usability:

  • The Taulia Area Menu, transaction selection screen, and report output now reflect "Enrollment Monitor" as the name of the transaction.
  • Within the selection screen of the transaction, the field for filtering on the initialization date is now correctly labeled "Date initialized".
  • Within the report output, the jump button to the /TAULIA/INIT transaction is now labeled "Initialize" and the hover-over text now reads "Jump to Initialize". Also, the jump button now calls the updated /TAULIA/INIT transaction code rather than the outdated /TAULIA/INVITER.

NOTE: For users who access the Historical Data Transfer and Enrollment Monitor transactions regularly, please work with your security administrator to replace access to /TAULIA/INVITER with the more current /TAULIA/INIT.

Accelerated Integration Improvements
The Vendor Dashboard for monitoring vendor enrollment status in Accelerated Integration mode has been added to the Taulia Area Menu (t-code: /TAULIA/1) under the Enrollment section. It is also available as a Fiori tile under the Taulia - Enrollment section. The legacy data initialization tool (t-code: /TAULIA/INIT) has been renamed to Historical Data Transfer.

During data initialization for customers who use the Accelerated Integration model, the feeder processes for invoices and payments (FEED_INV and FEED_PAY) have been enhanced to respect the lookback period configured in the Data Transfer Settings (t-code: /TAULIA/BS_CBAL). A default of 90 days will continue to be used if this configuration is not maintained. The logic of the Taulia Mass Re-transfer tool (t-code: /TAULIA/TRANSFER) is improved to match the behavior in the classic integration model. The tool now allows retransferring of documents beyond the lookback period.

The selection screen for the /TAULIA/FEEDER program will now always propose an existing Taulia Add-on Key. Feeder jobs are designed to run one at a time. Any Feeder jobs that are not executed due to a simultaneous job will finish gracefully and are displayed in green status (Finished) in SM37. The message will be logged in the Taulia Connection Monitor (t-code: /TAULIA/CONNECTOR) in case a job does not run or does not finish successfully.

Cross-company AP payment documents reversed AP payments, and documents configured as down payments are now automatically transmitted to the Taulia Platform in Accelerated Integration mode.

The post-processing of payment documents in Accelerated Integration mode now retrieves the check number.

The transfer logic for Asset PO invoices when using Accelerated Integration mode is enhanced to exclude the Parallel Ledger document. Including this document was causing duplicate documents in the Taulia Platform.

The gap retransfers logic for purchase orders, AP invoices, and AP payments is improved to prevent unnecessary retransfers of documents.

Enhanced Blocklist
The upload tool in the Blocklist Monitor (t-code: /TAULIA/BLOCKLIST) is enhanced to allow text encapsulation in quotes. For instance, if any of the fields in the upload file contains a comma, encapsulating the contents of that field in quotes will allow the upload to process correctly.

Removal of items from the Blocklist Monitor will prompt the option to transfer related objects, only for those items where the "All Related" indicator was set.

Updated Translations in Historical Data Transfer
Updated missing translations in the Taulia Historical Data Transfer (t-code: /TAULIA/INIT) for supported languages: French & German.

Improved AR Data Extraction
The AR invoice extract logic in the AR Invoice Queue Feeder (FEED_INVAR) is updated so it does not also pick up changed AR payment documents in S/4 HANA environments.

Enhanced Multi Vendor Line Selection
The selection of the vendor line on the Invoice Send process (INV_OUT) is improved. Vendor lines will now be retrieved from the HANA database in the same order that they are stored in the database. This will ensure that the first vendor line is the one to which the Taulia invoice is assigned.

Purchase Order Status Description
A mapping for the Purchase Order status description was created so that a custom text can be displayed when hovering over the PO Status on the Taulia Supplier UI. The PO status description can only be populated with customization. Please reach out to your Taulia representative if you wish to activate this feature.

Special Character Handling
The translation of inbound data from the Taulia Platform is enhanced to handle additional special characters.

PI/PO Integration Improvements
The Taulia Direct integration via PI/PO is improved to ensure connectivity. A new sender channel has been created for better handling of calls without the content-type field. The binary flag has been activated on all channels to allow for certain PI/PO versions which require binary communication channels. The updated channels will be deployed in the Taulia standard PI/PO component package and will be called automatically by the Taulia Add-on.

NOTE: For customers on Taulia Direct via SAP PI/PO, when upgrading the Taulia Add-on version, the Taulia components in PI/PO must also be upgraded.

Encashment Performance
The performance logic of encashment for payment records is improved with a better selection of documents in order to prevent short dumps.

Background Execution
The following transactions can now be executed in background mode in order to generate a spooled output for reporting:


Additional Logging
The logging in the Invoice Send process (INV_OUT) is enhanced to include document numbers and EP group IDs which were previously ambiguous.

Updated Help Text
The help text for the Global Taulia Parameters configuration (t-code: /TAULIA/CPARAM) has been updated to reflect a change to the name of the Taulia PI endpoints.

The help text for the Taulia Platform Communication Mechanism configuration has been updated with the standard BAdI implementation for CPI

Removed Unused Breakpoints
Superfluous breakpoints are removed from unused parts of the Taulia Add-on code.

Eliminated Component Dependencies
When installing the Taulia Add-on for SAP, the TAULIA and TAUCC components are now independent while installing them via SAINT. If a user by accident installs only one component, the Data Dictionary activation phase does not error out and does not block the installation process.


The 4.2 release of the Taulia Add-on for SAP contains the following fixed issues:

Working Capital Management

Legacy SCF configuration is still checked when using collection accounts
Fixed an issue with SCF Eligibility where the Legacy SCF configuration (/TAULIA/CSCF) was being checked even when the new Collection Accounts configuration (/TAULIA/CSCFCOLL) is maintained.

No change documents created in SAP with EP_DO
Document updates resulting from Taulia EP Requests were failing to update the change record of the documents in certain cases. This was resolved by moving a function call inside of the template for Taulia’s DD25 User Exit.

NOTE: For any customer who meets the following criteria, there may be a risk of having the function BELEG_WRITE_DOCUMENT called twice, and the possibility of having duplicate change records in CDHDR:

  • The customer is upgrading to 4.2 or higher from an earlier Taulia Add-on version
  • The customer has DD25 User Exit activated
  • The customer has configured "replacing the standard" to true in DD25

Any customers which meet the above criteria are advised to adjust their DD25 User Exit implementation by removing the call to 'BELEG_WRITE_DOCUMENT' inside the user exit.

Document Management

ISO Unit of Measure deleted from invoice lines
Resolved a problem that resulted in invoice rejection when invoicing a PO item with an order Unit of Measure different from the price Unit of Measure.

Additional attachments to invoice not transferred to OpenText VIM
Fixed an issue where the Taulia rendered invoice image PDF was not displayed properly in OpenText VIM in the case that the supplier added additional attachments.

20-character PO numbers for Serrala integration
Taulia now supports the 20-character PO number representation for Serrala. Previously there was an issue that caused the Taulia Platform to display all zeros (0000000000) in the PO Number field for PO-based workflow invoices from Serrala. It also caused that the PO number on the Taulia submitted an invoice to Serrala was not able to find a PO match. Taulia is now converting the PO number to the proper format dictated by Serrala.

Missing Serrala field mappings
Added mapping for certain item-level fields which were not mapped to Serrala when creating a PO-based invoice workflow document.

General Taulia Functionality

Paid amount not populated inside SEND_INVAR
Fixed an issue on paid AR invoices which was causing the payment amount to always be 0 during transmission to the Taulia Platform.

VAT label on non-VAT invoices
Fixed a cosmetic issue where the label for "VAT" was being populated on the invoice header even when no VAT number is relevant for that invoice. This caused the Supplier VAT section to be displayed needlessly on invoices in the Taulia Platform.

Tax rate field causing the short dump
Updated the tax rate field in the Invoice Send process (INV_OUT) to support the same length and decimal format as the SAP tax rate structure in order to avoid a short dump.

NOTE: The Taulia Platform only accepts tax rates up to 99.99%. Therefore any tax rate higher than 99.99% will need to have the invoice data modified via User Exit in order to be received successfully in the Taulia Platform.

Missing Street/House Number on SIM address changes
Fixed an issue in S/4 HANA systems that was preventing approved SIM address changes from updating the "Street/House Number" field on the vendor master in certain cases.

VEN process generates incorrect mapping error
Resolved an issue with Taulia Tax ID mapping for the vendor master Tax Number field (LFA1-STENR). This tax type was available for mapping in the Taulia Tax ID Mappings configuration (t-code: /TAULIA/CT_CTXID) but not being mapped correctly on the outbound (VEN) and inbound (VEN_TAXID) processes. This was an issue in ECC systems only.

Missing vendor information for dual-purpose doc type
Fixed an issue where vendor information was not being retrieved correctly in the Invoice Send process (INV_OUT) in the case that the related doc type is configured as both an AP and an AR invoice.

Retransfer of a cross-company AP payment not working
Fixed an issue where cross-company AP payments marked for retransfer were not being transferred. Also fixed a short dump and improved messaging in the GOS retransfer tool in case of the payment document type is not configured.

AR documents not being retransferred in GOS
Fixed an issue where AR documents configured for transfer to the Taulia Platform as AP documents (t-code: /TAULIA/CINVD) could not be retransferred via the GOS menu.

Short dumps in RECV_BATCH
Fixed an issue with the Receive Batch job (RECV_BATCH) that was causing short dumps.

No logging for the Early Payment Changes process
Resolved a bug that was causing missing logs in the EP process for POD integrations.

No logging for the Supplier Actions process
Resolved a bug that was causing missing logs in the BUSACT process when Accelerated Integration mode is active.

Max size not respected for attachments in BUSDOC_OUT
Fixed an issue that was allowing overly large attachments to be extracted, causing failure when received by the Taulia Platform.

Receiving multiple certifications only gets the first attachment
Multiple attachments for Supplier Certification submissions were not being displayed in the Vendor Master Cockpit. Only the first attachment was received. Multiple attachments can now be submitted successfully.

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