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Q. How do I remove a supplier from my Early Payment program in SAP?: 000008749

Article Number: 000008749

There may be situations where you wish to remove a supplier from your Taulia EP program. Perhaps you have renegotiated terms with the supplier; or maybe you no longer wish to offer the benefits of your Working Capital solutions to a particular supplier. In any case, you can remove a supplier from your program by removing them from an active Early Payment group in SAP. 

Deactivate a supplier from your EP program in SAP by doing the following:
1 - From the Taulia SAP Add-On, enter transaction code /n/TAULIA/EPASSIGN. If your EP groups are configured at the company code level, you will be prompted to enter the paying company code of the supplier. 

2 - If you have a default EP group configured, there should also be an inactive EP group. This is the group used for deactivating Early Payments. This will appear with a red indicator on the left side of the screen. 

3 - Specify the supplier number in the Vendor search field on the right and click Select to pull up the supplier.

4 - Highlight the row of the supplier and click Assign then double-click the inactive EP group. You may also drag and drop the supplier into the inactive EP group on the left. 

EP group

5 - Click the Save button. 

The supplier is now deactivated and will no longer receive EP offers on new invoices. This action will automatically trigger the removal of EP offers for historical invoices by retransferring their eligibility to the Taulia Platform. This may take several minutes to complete, depending on the volume of historical documents and your data transfer settings. 

IMPORTANT! Please know that the above procedure is very resource-intensive and should be applied only in the cases of removing one or two suppliers. If you apply it to a group of suppliers it will likely cause errors including short dumps in your SAP system and time outs on Taulia side. Therefore, if you plan to remove multiple suppliers, please contact Taulia Support for assistance.

Additional FAQs

Why can’t I access this transaction in SAP?
You might not be authorized to execute the EP Group Assignment transaction. Contact your SAP security team or find someone else in your organization who has the authorization to assign suppliers to EP groups. 

My supplier’s Early Payment offers are being auto-accepted and they want to opt out of this. Should I remove this supplier from the program?
Please advise your supplier to disable CashFlow within their Taulia account. This way, they can remain on the program and continue to opt-in for Early Payments on an as-needed basis. 

How can I deactivate a supplier’s access to the Taulia Platform? 
Generally, Taulia does not deactivate supplier accounts. Suppliers are entitled to see their historical data based on the Terms & Conditions they agree to when they register for their account. If there is a need to deactivate a supplier’s access, please contact Taulia Technical Services to evaluate the possibilities. 

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