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Q. How do I acknowledge/confirm or dispute a purchase order?: 000003469

Article Number: 000003469

Note - This feature may not be available in your portal.

PO Confirmation/Acknowledgement is a feature that allows you to tell your customer if you are able to deliver the goods/services requested from the purchase order. For example, you could confirm or change the quantity/delivery dates of each PO line item. 

Please do the following to start the PO confirmation process:

1 - Log onto the Home page of the portal.

2 - Click on My POs in the Quick Access Links.

3 - Search for desired PO number.

4 - Select the PO number that you want to confirm.

There are two types of PO confirmation which depends on your customer's customization of the portal. Select the version that applies to you:

Version 1 - The first type of PO confirmation will NOT allow you to submit an invoice unless the PO is confirmed. The PO details screen will have a Confirm PO or Dispute PO option. The Create Invoice option will only become available once the PO is confirmed.

Version 2 - The second type of PO confirmation will allow you to submit an invoice even before the PO is confirmed and the Create Invoice option will always be available. PO status "Unconfirmed" is also unavailable in the PO search field.


PO Confirmation Version 1

1 - Click Confirm My PO to confirm the details of the PO.

  • Select Dispute if you wish to dispute the details of the PO. You will be able to create a message to send to your buyer.

2 - The following fields are editable:

  • Confirmed Qty.
  • Confirmed Delivery Date

If you cannot meet the asking Ordered Qty or Delivery Date of the line item, you can edit the fields. For example, if the Ordered Qty is 100 but you can only confirm 50, then you will enter 50 under Confirmed Qty then confirm the PO. Keep in mind what the original Ordered Qty is.

IMPORTANT - If your customer decides to update the PO with new values after you confirm, you will have to re-confirm this PO again. You should also receive a "PO Confirmation Required" email notification.

3 - Once you confirm the PO, the Create Invoice option will become available. Click Create Invoice to start the invoicing.

PO Confirmation Version 2

Note - Although you can invoice a non-confirmed PO, it is best practice to submit your PO confirmation or dispute before creating an invoice.

1 - Select the PO number to view the PO details.

2 - Select Confirm/Dispute PO.

3 - From the PO Overview screen, enter:

  • PO Confirmation Number (you can enter any alpha-numerical number but it must be unique to each PO confirmation)
  • Select the action you want (Confirm/Reject/Confirm Later)
  • Select Edit on each line item that you need to confirm/dispute

 User-added image

  • Confirm - You will need to confirm the Unit Price of the line item and the Delivery Date. You can change these fields and your customer will be notified. Some buyers also allow their suppliers to update the Material Code and Unit of Measure.
    • ​You can confirm the entire value of the PO line or increment up to the total value. You can then select a specific delivery date. Click on the "+" to specify separate delivery dates for each shipment.
    • Select the "backorder" box to indicate that the PO item is back-ordered. This will notify your buyer of the update and the forecasted delivery date.
  • Reject - Your customer will be notified if you reject a PO line item. Make sure to remove the line item you rejected when creating an invoice. You can leave a note on the line item on why you rejected the line.
  • Confirm Later - This will allow you to invoice the PO line item but confirm the PO line item at a later time.

User-added image

4 - Select Submit Confirmations to send your acknowledgment. You can then proceed to invoice the PO line items that you confirmed.


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