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Taulia Announces Partnership with Google to solve invoicing with AI
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READ THE REPORTFull speed ahead: avoiding delays to supplier payments with Taulia
READ THE REPORTFour pillars of a successful early payment program
READ THE REPORTWe are a technology company dedicated to helping simplify business transactions and increase cash flow through an easy to use platform.
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你可以下载一份单次或多次付款的 XML, PDF 或者 CSV 报表。 此报表还将显示在特定的支付汇款下哪些发票已付款。
1 - 登录门户并选择 我的支付
2 - 选择 "下载清单"
3 - 将会弹出一个窗口。选择你想如何接收报表以及报表的格式:
当前页面 = 生成一份汇付报表,其中链接了你当前所在页面上的所有发票。如果你前往第三页并选择”当前页面“,它将打印第三页上的付款。
所有 = 打印所有可得的支付汇款报表。这份报表也许不能马上生成,取决于报表有多大。一旦报表准备好以供查阅,门户将会通过电子邮件通知你。
1 - 在我的支付里选择希望的支付汇款号
2 - 将会弹出一个窗口。选择 "下载" > 选择你希望的文件格式 > 再次选择"下载" 来完成请求。
Taulia’s Payables Financing settings allow you to set up and control the funding types, rates, business unit restrictions, liquidity limits, and calendar settings for the payables financing programs offered to your suppliers.
In the Supplier Center you can add new admin user individually or mass upload to already enrolled vendors in the Taulia Portal.
This article will explain the most common reasons why an AR Financing invoice may not be in Available status.
Information about the various invoice statuses and how a supplier can see a detailed status description.
Easily upload new invoices to Taulia for AR financing.
Easily view all of your AR Financing invoices, view and request AR Financing early payments, and view payments associated with AR Financing invoices from the Receivables Invoices page.
Vanessa, Technical Services Manager