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Q. How do I accept early payment offers for my invoice?: 000003503

Article Number: 000003503

Note - This feature may not be available in your portal.

Taulia offers suppliers multiple options to get paid early on invoices. One of those options is the ability to accept early payment offers for approved invoices. When accepting an early payment offer, you have the option to select the date on when you want your payment to be released*. Early payment feature availability is dependent on your customer. If your customer does not have an early payment program through Taulia, then the early payment options will not be available. The type of user role you have will also affect your rights to use the early payment features.

Taulia offers three easy ways to accept early payment offers from your customer:

Accelerating payment of a single invoice

1 - Accept early payment offers by selecting My Offers from the home page or Pay Me Early from the My Invoices section.

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2 - You will be shown the early payment terms of the invoice. Please review the details.

  • Depending on your customer's early payment program, you may be shown the details of the early payment offer for the next business date only.
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  • You may also be shown a calendar that will allow you to select a payment date. The days that you cannot select in the calendar are non-payment run days of your customer. As you choose a payment date, the early payment offer details will also dynamically change.
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3 - After reviewing the early payment offer, select Submit to send your request.

  • The requested invoice will have a "Requested" status on the Payment column in the My Invoices page. As the request progresses, the status will change from Requested > Accepted or Agreed* > Paid. 
    • *Agreed only applies to next day early payment. The EP request is funded and will be released on the next business date.
  • Once your early payment request is approved by your customer, the payment will be released on the agreed payment date. Admin and Finance user roles will then receive an email notification regarding the approval.

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Accelerating payment of all invoices at the same time

Note - This feature is only available if there is at least 1 approved invoice. Using this feature will only accelerate already approved invoices. It will not accelerate payment for invoices approved in the future. To automatically accelerate all approved invoices in the future, you must enable Cashflow™.

1 - From the homepage, select Pay Me Early ALL from the Early Payment Available - Request All section. It will show you how many approved invoices are ready for early payment.

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2 - Select Pay Me Early ALL to confirm your request.

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  • After the request is confirmed, the approved invoices will be submitted for early payment. The requested invoices will change to "Requested" in the Payment column in the My Invoices page. As the request progresses, the status can change from Requested > Accepted or Agreed* > Paid. 
    • *Agreed only applies to next day early payment. The EP request is funded and will be released on the next business date.
  • Once the early payment request is approved, Admin and Finance user roles will receive an email notification.
  • The early payment request is submitted to be processed on your customer's next payment run date. You can see when to expect the payment to be released by looking at the calendar in the single invoice early payment option.

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Accelerating payment of select invoices 

This feature will allow you to select specific invoices to accelerate if you do not want to accelerate payment of all eligible invoices.

1 - From the homepage, select See All Early Payments.

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2 - You will be taken to the My Invoices page and shown approved invoices with early payment offers. Un-check the boxes for the invoices you do not want to accelerate. Select Pay Me Early Selected to continue.

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3 - You will be asked to confirm the number of selected invoices you want to accelerate. Select Pay Me Early Selected to confirm.

  • After the request is confirmed, the approved invoices will be submitted for early payment. The requested invoices will change to "Requested" in the Payment column in the My Invoices page. As the request progresses, the status can change from Requested > Accepted or Agreed* > Paid. 
    • *Agreed only applies to next day early payment. The EP request is funded and will be released on the next business date.
  • Once the early payment request is approved, Admin and Finance user roles will receive an email notification.
  • The early payment request is submitted to be processed on your customer's next payment run date. You can see when to expect the payment to be released by looking at the calendar in the single invoice early payment option.

Additional FAQs

Can I see the early payment rate first before accepting an offer?

Yes! Because you have the ability to select the date on when you want the payment to be released, the platform will show you the early payment rate based on the date you have selected.

Why are some of the dates not available in the early payment calendar?

The available payment dates in the calendar indicate the days your customer pays invoices. The date you select is the date your invoice payment will be released if the request is approved.

I can only select early payment for the next business date. Why?

Depending on your customer's early payment program, some suppliers can only select early payment for the next business date.

Discover how one time early payments and Cashflow™ can help grow your business

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Sed et ligula non.”

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